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by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Nov 12, 2013 | Health Articles
Recent studies have shown that when you look at stress from a more optimistic view it can have a positive effect on your health. When we encounter stress our body reacts by producing different hormones, preparing for a “fight or flight”. However, nowadays the likelihood of being in a life-threatening scenario has significantly decreased from centuries ago. The more likely stresses of modern society include traffic jams and finishing assignments on time.
Stress Is Not Always A Negative thing
Stress itself is not actually a bad thing for us, it is the perception of the stress that can cause the negative effect. This is an extremely useful discovery to remember when you next encounter a stressful situation. If we can train our mind to think that the stress we are encountering is positive, then the negative effects will be significantly reduced.
Scientists from a handful of universities examined the different effects of stress on 300 investment bankers who had just emerged from a round of layoffs. In the study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, scientists divided the participants into two groups, and tried to alter the perception of half of them to view stress as debilitating and the other half to view it as an enhancement.
The first half of the participants were shown videos of people succumbing to stress. The other half were shown videos of people meeting challenges, such as sports figures accomplishing a difficult goal. The results showed that those who had a more optimistic view of stress had fewer health problems and performed better at work than the pessimistic group.
Stress In Moderation Can Be Positive
As the results show, there is definitely a positive effect of stress altered by the way we perceive the situation. This positive stress is called eustress and in moderation can be extremely positive for our health. Eustress can improve our cognitive functions and boost our immune system, leading to an overall healthier feel to our lifestyle. However, the stress that we need to look out for is the long-term emotional stress. This stress can lead to many negative health problems, such as high blood pressure and it has also been linked with many heart problems. Although, if we consider the stress we encounter as a challenge, rather than a setback, then we can experience much more positive stress, which in turn will help to improve our overall health and wellness.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Aug 8, 2013 | Health Articles
When we eat, we instigate a complex series of digestive, endocrine, and metabolic physiologic processes. Various cells, tissues, organs, and systems are involved in convert our carrots, apples, grains, and proteins into energy that helps us live satisfying lives. These complex processes don’t happen on their own, though. They require timely instructions and guidance from the nerve system to work properly and produce a coordinated conclusion.
Chiropractic care helps the nerve system do its duty as the body’s master system. Chiropractic care eliminates nerve interference that can cause essential signals to be distorted or delayed. By helping ensure that the nerve system is free of interference, chiropractic care helps us to achieve the top physiologic performance, elevate long-term health and well-being.
Different Types of Health Insurance Available
Whether you live in the United States, Canada, or Western Europe, your health care decision-making is impacted by the type of health insurance accessible to you. Americans receive a fee-for-service system that entails that you will be paying for most or all of the costs of every service that you use. Canadian patients receive health care through a publicly funded system. Costs are funded via income taxes, so in Canada, patients pay indirectly for their care. The majority of Western European countries have national health care systems in place. The French, for example, the national insurance policy pays 70% of costs and much of the remaining 30% is paid by supplemental private insurance (most of this is paid by the patient’s employer). Regardless, for every person, more health problems imply more costs. Thus, avoiding health problems in the first place is a beneficial method that will save families stress, anxiety, and financial resources for the distant future. In health maintenance it’s said that the best defense is a good offense.
What makes up a “good offense” in health care? Being proactive in terms of lifestyle choices helps you put together a health care program that works. Your health care “offense” includes a healthful diet supported by sound nutritional principles, regular vigorous exercise, getting enough rest, and regular chiropractic care. All these factors are needed to enjoy long-term health and well-being. Each element provides critical value and helps support the benefits you get from the others. Good food helps you build strong muscle in response to regular vigorous exercise. Doing regular exercise helps you sleep better at night. More sleep helps you have more energy, so you have more strength and endurance when you’re exercising. Regular chiropractic care helps your nerve system function at peak level, helping all your body systems work well together.
Your Lifestyle Program
Such a lifestyle program goes a long way toward restoring good health and reducing the costs of using the health care system. For example, regular vigorous exercise is an important part of all lifestyle programs aimed at lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. A healthful diet and regular exercise help lower the incidence of type 2 diabetes and assist overweight and obese individuals, children as well as adults, in returning to more optimal levels of health.
There are many self-help books, DVDs, and television infomercials that target people who wish to improve their overall health situation. These programs may have some value, but professional encouragement and guidance is the key to developing long-term, successful health strategies. Your chiropractor is experienced in nutrition, exercise, and health maintenance and can help you design a “good offense” for health care that works for you and your family.