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Top of the Podium for Chiropractic Care

Athletic Performance Albquerque NM
The vision of success and victory are measured by the successes of not only receiving high marks but how consistently a team or program can achieve the high marks of success.  As we cheer and stare in awe at our athletes we often look at the days well done performance without looking at all the factors that lead them to the top of the podium.  Their training regiment now includes proper spinal alignments for optimal performance and to avoid or recover from injuries.

Health and Fitness Today

In today’s age of health and fitness, more and more of us are involved in sporting activities. Whether we are weekend warriors or professional athletes in training,  proper nutrition and body-conditioning are needed for preventing injuries on and off the playing field.

If an injury does occur, it is vitally important to get proper care for any injury to prevent the development of chronic problems or permanent damage.  One great option is Chiropractic.  Chiropractors are trained in treating sports-related injuries, so they can advise you in the best way to heal an injury and how best to prevent it from recurring. In fact, early research has suggested chiropractic is the most effective conservative treatment option for athletes with back pain.

Being Prepared

The majority, if not all, sports are good, provided our bodies are prepared appropriately.   Highly competitive sports follow rigorous training schedules that can be potentially dangerous. The best advice is to prepare your bodies and to learn to protect yourselves from sports related injuries before they happen.

Although today we think we are invincible. The following tips can help ensure you not miss a step when it comes to proper fitness, stretching, training and rest that the body needs to engage in sporting activities.

TIPS For Top Performance:

  • Wear the proper equipment. Any sport can be dangerous if the equipment is not properly fitted. Make sure all equipment, including helmets, pads and shoes fit.   Properly replace any of the equipment if it is damaged.
  • Eat healthy meals. Make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet and do not skip meals. Avoid high-fat foods, such as candy bars and fast food. At home, avoid temptation and have fruit rather than cookies, and vegetables rather than potato chips.
  • Proper Nutrition. Breakfast should be the most important meal of the day.  Also, eating a healthy meal two to four hours before a practice or a game and another within one to two hours after a game or practice allows for proper replenishment and refuels the body.
  • Drink water. Proper hydration is a key element to optimal fitness.  Athletes in training need to drink even more than the average daily recommendation of eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water.
  • Calcium Enriched Diet. Make sure your diet has enough calcium included in your diet.  The calcium is essential for healthy bones and reduces the risk of joint and muscle related injuries.
  • Avoid sugar-loaded, caffeinated and carbonated drinks. Sports drinks can be a good source of replenishment for those engaged in long duration sports, such as track and field, but water is vital.
  • Follow a warm-up routine. Proper warm-ups should include a slow jog and then followed by a sport-specific warm-up which should include the stretching all of the major muscle groups.  Jumping rope and/or lifting small weights reduces the risk of torn or ripped muscles.  Flexibility is also key when pushing to score that extra goal or make that critical play.
  • Take vitamins daily. A multi-vitamin and Vitamin C are great overall choices.  Others such as Vitamin B and amino acids may help reduce the pain from contact sports. Thiamine can help promote healing, but also consider Vitamin A to strengthen scar tissue.
  • Avoid trendy supplements. Avoid the use of performance-enhancing supplements, such as creatine.
  • Get plenty of rest. Eight hours of sleep is ideal. Lack of sleep and rest can decrease performance. Sluggishness, irritability and loss of interest could indicate that you are fatigued.
  • Chiropractic Care.  For proactive care or sports injury your body can benefit from the range of massage therapy , joint manipulation, to specific exercises that target problem areas and strengthen previously injured or weakened muscles and joints. Working in conjunction with a qualified trainer,  your chiropractor can help you stay in great shape and prevent injuries

We Can Help

Our team is trained and licensed to treat the entire neuromusculoskeletal system and can provide advice on sports training, nutrition and injury prevention.  So if you are ready to play like a pro call our office so we can help you train and heal like a pro!


Fall Faster into Health

Immune System New Fairfield CT HealthSchool is back in session and It is common that parents find someone gets sick soon after school starts.   So this month let’s all commit to making ourselves a little healthier by choosing one or more of these health habits to practice regularly. Ask one of our Team Docs what he or she suggests, and travel the shortest distance to good health this fall!

Choose 1 or Choose them All!:

  • Sleep at least seven hours each night – Better sleep means a healthier immune system. Remember our brain and body recover from the day’s stresses while we sleep.
  • Get Adjusted—Have you and your family’s spine and nervous system checked each week because your immune system is run by your central nervous system – Chiropractic kids are freakishly healthy— This is one great reason why!
  • Avoid Sugar and Snacks– especially sugary, salty or fried foods, or foods with pesticides or preservatives in them.  Kids will still get a ton of it      at school unfortunately.  However, we limit it where you can. Steer your family towards fruit instead.
  • Reduce Dairy— Try using almond or rice milk instead. Take any child with asthma or ear infections off of dairy and they improve – just about every time. Add in some adjustments and the healing is even faster.
  • Exercise Regularly—Make sure you and your kids exercise each day. Even better, do a small workout in the morning before school together that is fun.  It immediately cuts down on whiny morning behavior and best of all It also gets their lymphatic systems moving which makes for healthier kids.
  • Avoid Medications and Let Fevers Ride. When children do get colds, do not immediately lower their fevers. Comfort and love on them while they have the fever, and monitor them closely, but try not to lower it. The fever is the body’s way of combating the “bug” and learning how to protect itself in the future from the unwanted invader.  Far to commonly we see that family’s that use fever reducing drugs often seem to have colds that last for a week or longer.
  • Eat Breakfast Every Morning – that’s why they call it “breaking the fast,” so get your day started with a  healthy meal.

We Can Help!

Our Expert Team is ready, willing, and able to help you!  Please ask one of our team members all of your important questions so that we can ensure that you can have prepare your immune system for the strongest fall season yet!

New Fairfield’s Guide Book to Back and Neck Pain

Guide for Back Pain New Fairfield CT Neck Pain

Years ago we would open maps that only the really skilled could fold back up again.  As the years of invention followed many great technologies were created to guide to not only where we wanted to go but with choices to fit our personal preferences.  Our lifestyles are similar with the bountiful choices.  Like our ...


Chiropractic Works – Celebrate Your Health

New Fairfield CT Chiropractic Works

Very soon Chiropractic will be celebrating another birthday.  For over a century of success Chiropractic has been helping people of all ages regain and retain their health.   Chiropractic is now the health care of choice for millions of parents and their children throughout the world. We are proud to do our part as our community’s ...


Tools for School – Avoiding Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain New Fairfield CT

As the temperature is peaking at the end of summer so is our children's excitement as they begin their preparations for the upcoming school year.  Each year we head to the stores with a long list of items that will fill a basket full and then be placed very tightly into our children's school back ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center