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Putting the “Abs” in Absolutely No Neck Pain

Neck Pain New Fairfield CT Abs

With strength as the new pretty, we would love to have "Abs of Steel" to show off but also the power of the core muscles to help us achieve further health and agility. Unfortunately, the abdominal muscles are located in the front center of our body. Achieving maximum results to your core muscles requires following ...


Core Success of Health Goals

New Fairfield Weight Training

For the fourth time in two days, an advertisement to the local gym runs through the homepage of your Facebook.  You have committed that this is the year of my best body, so you stop scrolling quickly call to join.

It’s hard work, it hurts and could be slightly embarrassing, but in our minds, we are still in our prime; so what could the downside be?

Why Should I Not Get My Exercise Routine From The Internet

Unfortunately, many of us are misguided by magazines or well-intentioned videos to what the most beneficial exercises would be for our bodies.   The number of people in the gym engaging in fundamentally dangerous exercises, which have no real life practical benefit whatsoever, is astounding.  So be careful when seeking helpful advice on your first stages of a workout and find recommendations and guidelines that embrace the application of the benefit of function.

Exercise with the benefit of function refers to the conditioning of the muscles and structures used in your activities of daily living.  This form of training encompasses whole body movements such as squats and lunges which place a demand on the bodies core stabilizing structures to ensure balance, stability, and coordination. Functional training tasks should, therefore, emphasize multi-joint movements where muscles work in coordinated task groups.  They should also be dynamic enough to activate the reflexes that enhance the system’s stability and efficiency.  Finally, they should require skillful solutions, similar to the motor problems posed by many of today’s daily activities.

Focus On Your Core

Though commonly used to refer to the abs and lower-back muscles collectively (considered the epicenter of the body ), the term “core” actually applies to several muscles throughout the upper and lower body.  The transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis (your six-pack muscle), internal obliques, multifidus, spinal erectors, lats, glutes, and traps can all be considered core muscles. These muscle groups all work together, often simultaneously, to stabilize and support the spine. Since the spinal cord is the main avenue for sending messages to the muscles throughout your body, the safer your body senses that it is, the more comfortable it feels sending those messages out and the more clearly they are received.

Building a strong core is the first step toward making maximal gains in strength and power and performing any skilled athletic movement.  Strong supporting muscles around the spine also reduce lower-back pain, as well as the risk for lower-back injury.  Ripped abs are a bonus as your core muscles include all the abdominal muscles that makeup that aesthetic six-pack. It’s the foundation of a ripped midsection.

Pace Your Workouts

Change your training gradually.   It doesn’t matter how fit you are when your body is exposed to new physical stress; it takes time for your system to adapt.  This rule is not limited to sports activities but should be applied to other areas of your life.

Watch For:

Tightness and Restriction The body is quite clever. When an area is irritated or injured the nervous system usually tightens the muscles around the region to help brace or splint the region to protect it.   This increase in muscle tone can be felt before you feel any pain, and it’s usually specific to one area.   If you are unable to stretch and release a tight area or cramp, apply ice and rest.  If the tension continues, consult your chiropractor or integrated physical medicine team whose team includes a great chiropractor.

The Normal Pain Quotient Nature designed pain for a reason. There is a difference between working hard and feeling a bit sore after a session and pathological pain.  Use the 3-day rule: if it’s not better after a few days, there might be something going on.

Charged Up and Ready To Help!

The exciting news is that out of this demand for thrill seeking and pushing for the “next great,” we now have specialists who use their expertise to not only rehabilitate sports injuries but teach athletes to be part of the top 1%. We teach them to listen to their bodies and to make them aware of common signals that can alert them that an injury may occur.

Call today as our expert team is charged up and ready to help you not only achieve your health goals successfully but to help you maintain those results.  Have questions on where to begin? Call us. We can help create a dynamic program based on your individual needs and goals.

Putting the “Abs” in Absolutely No Neck Pain

Neck Pain New Fairfield CT Abs

With strength as the new pretty, we would love to have "Abs of Steel" to show off but also the power of the core muscles to help us achieve further health and agility. Unfortunately, the abdominal muscles are located in the front center of our body. Achieving maximum results to your core muscles requires following ...


No Neck Pain Crunches

Neck Pain Relief New Fairfield CT Exercise
Want to look in that mirror and see your fabulous abs?  Of course you do – so read on.

First the Exercise

Doing sit-ups or abdominal crunches is an extremely effective way to strengthen you core muscles.  These muscles help you to maintain a good posture and they allow you to twist and bend.  Chronic back pain and disability can occur when these core muscles are weak.  However, doing sit-ups alone will not give you that flat stomach and six pack abs.  The abdominal muscles that you are toning will develop beneath the layer of abdominal fat and no matter how many sit-ups you do it will not reduce the amount of fat around your waist.

The only way to reduce that strip of fat around your abdominal muscles is to maintain a healthy diet and keep to a sufficient exercise regime. After you have slimmed down the six pack abs will start to show and can be maintained by doing sit-ups everyday.  However, it is important to ensure that you are doing your sit-ups correctly.  Incorrect form when doing sit-ups can lead to back and neck pain, it also prevents the core muscles from being fully engaged in the exercise.

5 tips Great Tips to No Neck Pain Crunches

  1. Make sure your legs are bent at a 90° angle – This is the best angle to help reduce excess stress to the lower back while you are performing a sit-up.  You should be sure to do your sit-ups on a cushioned surface such as a mat or carpet.  There should still be just enough of a curve in your lower back so it does not touch the floor.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest – The traditional hands behind the neck posture for sit-ups sometimes causes people to pull on the neck during the upward movement, which can overstretch it and cause neck pain.  Instead, cross your arms over your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles to slowly lift your head and upper body off the floor.
  3. Lift up only 6 to 10 inches off the floor – There is no need to sit all the way up when doing sit-ups.  In fact, according to researchers at the University of Louisville, once you are above a certain angle, different muscles than the abdominals are being worked, so much of that extra effort to condition your abs is in vain.
  4. Go slowly, both up and down – The best workout for your abs is to go slowly, both on the way up and on the way down.  This engages the abdominal muscles more fully and is more important than the number of reps you can do.
  5. Pace yourself – It is common to start off doing sit-ups quickly, then slow down as your abdominals tire.  Start out at a slow, steady pace, and you are more likely to be able to keep it up than if you get burned out early on in your reps.

Persevere and Own It!

If you practice your sit-ups with the correct technique and include it into your exercise regime and healthy diet, then you will see the results. Only hard work and discipline can bring you the results you want.  Persevere with your diet and exercise and soon you will have your six pack abs!

Let’s Get Physical with Chiropractic and Exercise!

Exercise New Fairfield CT Weight Loss

It's time.  My alarm is set and my sneakers are ready to witness a workout that will begin the next new me. Sound familiar?  Many people find it hard to get motivated for a "big workout" at the gym, or getting up at 5 am for a 5 mile run. However, scientists have found that peoples' ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center