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by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Feb 17, 2015 | Health Articles

Want to look in that mirror and see your fabulous abs? Of course you do – so read on.
First the Exercise
Doing sit-ups or abdominal crunches is an extremely effective way to strengthen you core muscles. These muscles help you to maintain a good posture and they allow you to twist and bend. Chronic back pain and disability can occur when these core muscles are weak. However, doing sit-ups alone will not give you that flat stomach and six pack abs. The abdominal muscles that you are toning will develop beneath the layer of abdominal fat and no matter how many sit-ups you do it will not reduce the amount of fat around your waist.
The only way to reduce that strip of fat around your abdominal muscles is to maintain a healthy diet and keep to a sufficient exercise regime. After you have slimmed down the six pack abs will start to show and can be maintained by doing sit-ups everyday. However, it is important to ensure that you are doing your sit-ups correctly. Incorrect form when doing sit-ups can lead to back and neck pain, it also prevents the core muscles from being fully engaged in the exercise.
5 tips Great Tips to No Neck Pain Crunches
- Make sure your legs are bent at a 90° angle – This is the best angle to help reduce excess stress to the lower back while you are performing a sit-up. You should be sure to do your sit-ups on a cushioned surface such as a mat or carpet. There should still be just enough of a curve in your lower back so it does not touch the floor.
- Cross your arms over your chest – The traditional hands behind the neck posture for sit-ups sometimes causes people to pull on the neck during the upward movement, which can overstretch it and cause neck pain. Instead, cross your arms over your chest and tighten your abdominal muscles to slowly lift your head and upper body off the floor.
- Lift up only 6 to 10 inches off the floor – There is no need to sit all the way up when doing sit-ups. In fact, according to researchers at the University of Louisville, once you are above a certain angle, different muscles than the abdominals are being worked, so much of that extra effort to condition your abs is in vain.
- Go slowly, both up and down – The best workout for your abs is to go slowly, both on the way up and on the way down. This engages the abdominal muscles more fully and is more important than the number of reps you can do.
- Pace yourself – It is common to start off doing sit-ups quickly, then slow down as your abdominals tire. Start out at a slow, steady pace, and you are more likely to be able to keep it up than if you get burned out early on in your reps.
Persevere and Own It!
If you practice your sit-ups with the correct technique and include it into your exercise regime and healthy diet, then you will see the results. Only hard work and discipline can bring you the results you want. Persevere with your diet and exercise and soon you will have your six pack abs!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Feb 12, 2015 | Health Articles

It’s time. My alarm is set and my sneakers are ready to witness a workout that will begin the next new me.
Sound familiar? Many people find it hard to get motivated for a “big workout” at the gym, or getting up at 5 am for a 5 mile run. However, scientists have found that peoples’ bodies are not only physically different when it comes to exercise but also in the way they perceive the exercise and in the way that they get motivated. They believe that it is all linked to an individuals’ body chemistry and this chemistry can determine whether we find exercise a chore or a pleasure.
What Determines My Level of Activity?
“If we do not move it, we lose it.” This adage rings true for not only our waist lines but our motivation to enjoy the exercise that will keep us in shape. For instance, people have different levels of physical capacity, there are people that find going for a walk is more than enough exercise for them. Whereas, others find that spending hours working out in the gym is still not enough. Unfortunately we typically find that more sedentary people feel that walking or doing a few sit-ups are sufficient.
A persons’ physical capacity is based on their ventilatory threshold. In the majority of people, when at rest, the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled is equal to the amount of oxygen inhaled. When we exercise we pass the ventilatory threshold and the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled is greater than the amount of oxygen inhaled. This action causes the muscles to produce lactic acid and the body creates a stress response. Most peoples’ ventilatory threshold is at 50-60% of their maximum exercise capacity. For more sedentary people it can be as low as 35%.
The way we look at exercise also contributes to our chemistry and our motivation to do it. If you are one of those people that hates exercise and finds it extremely hard to get motivated, what can you do?
Where Do I Start My Motivation to Exercise?
The first big step is pick an exercise that you enjoy doing and then ease yourself into it, particularly if you haven’t been active for a while. Be careful for if you push yourself too hard at the start of your exercise program it is only going to make you feel worse and discourage you from continuing.
If you have led a sedentary lifestyle and have not been exercising start with a simple form of exercise that takes the weight off of your feet, such as a light swim or water aerobics. To gain motivation and help with committing to form a healthy lifestyle routine take up a social exercise activity. This can mean joining a class at your local gym or just going for a walk with a group of friends.
Another tip is to try the media to help get you motivated. Listening to your favorite songs or watching T.V. when you are exercising as a distraction can help to keep you motivated and improve the results of exercising.
Join a team or enjoy it alone but the bottom line is that if you enjoy the exercise you are doing there is more chance that you will stay motivated and persevere to get the results you want.
Would You Like Some Help?
Our expert chiropractic team specializes in your health and well being. We want to help you achieve your health goals that may contain weight loss, better nutrition, and overall optimal health. If you are just starting your exercise program or an athletic pro, let us help you obtain your goals of optimal health and performance.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Feb 10, 2015 | Health Articles

Amazing how a fad from the 80’s was a future predictor of our generation of children and young adults and now adult health. This fad originated from sticker cards that were later brought to life on the big and small screen. Each character featured a Garbage Pail Kid having some comical abnormality, deformity and/or suffering a terrible fate, with a humorous, word play-rich character name such as Adam Bomb. Unfortunately the disease and deformity’s described such as glandular disease, heart disease, obesity, etc. that were touched upon are a major health concern in our young adults today. As we are celebrating heart health month, let us touch upon heart disease in our children.
Not Just for Adults
Many people associate heart disease with older people. However, more and more children are becoming victims of heart disease. Although heart disease is relatively uncommon among children, an increase in child obesity has caused levels to be higher than ever before, and this has caused an uptick in factors that lead to heart disease.
A Few Alarming Statistics:
- 25% of adolescents have two or more heart disease risk factors
- 20% of adolescents have borderline or high blood pressure
- 25% of adolescents either have or are close to having Type 2 diabetes
- 33% of adolescents are overweight or obese
These statistics are alarming for they are growing increasing higher each year.
An Investigative Study
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics has found a simple way to measure a child’s cardiovascular health. The study was based on 900 children and young adults and was performed by researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The study was founded on calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL (the “good” cholesterol) in one’s body. The doctors then could determine the likelihood of a child having damaged or stiffened arteries in the future. Simply, triglycerides are an indicator of how much fat and sugar are in the bloodstream. High triglycerides and low HDL are indicators of a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, and previous studies have shown a link between these and stiffening of the arteries in adults. The concluded that the consumption of sugar is one of the major contributors to the high levels of triglycerides. As a measure to reverse and prevent the frightful outcomes, experts are stressing the importance of encouraging parents to instill healthy habits in their children at an early age. One step such step is encouraging parents to curb kids’ intake of sweet beverages such as soda and juice, both of which are extremely high in sugar. Another is to allow children to make choices among healthy options. The freedom of choice is a tremendous opportunity to build a healthy home environment while promoting a kind of self-efficacy and equips children to do better. The over all benefit is that it is a Win-Win for the entire family and their health.
How We Can Help!
Chiropractic care addresses the whole body and is dedicated to your health needs and overall well being. Our expert team not only focuses on restoration of healthcare challenges but helps build your body stronger and healthier through proper instruction on nutrition, exercises, and spinal health. Let us help you create the next revolution – the healthiest family on the planet. Call today to learn more!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Dec 25, 2014 | Health Articles

This is the time of year that we all begin to think about the new year and the resolutions of change that we will try to commit to this year. Beginning an exercise program is generally approached in that certain way: With enthusiasm, high hopes and a positive attitude.
Then the realization kicks in. It’s hard ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Dec 18, 2014 | Health Articles

One of the key tenets of chiropractic is that health is our natural state. If someone is not healthy which is often signaled by pain or disease, we look for what could be interfering with this natural state by looking for the underlying cause.
With that in mind chiropractic care is primarily designed to improve the flexibility of spinal joints. A loss of the spinal vertebral motion can lead to spinal muscle tightness and pain, which can manifest in various other physical problems such as headaches, lack of restful sleep, and increased irritability. By increasing the mobility in your neck, mid back, and lower back, chiropractic care helps your body function more efficiently. By removing the sources of the musculoskeletal irritation, chiropractic care can also reduce internal physiologic stress. Some benefits may include improved peace of mind, and a better response to your home and work environment.
Joint Stiffness with Age
Some people experience increasing musculoskeletal joint stiffness as they get older. They may notice that their shoulders, knees, and ankles are not as flexible as they used to be. Joints such as the shoulder, knee, and ankle are lubricated by synovial fluid. Synovial fluid keeps the joints moist, provides oxygen and nutrition, and washes away toxic end-products of the normal metabolic processes. The joints in your spine are also lubricated and maintained in this way. However, aging reduces the amount of available synovial fluid. Normal aging processes increase the viscosity of the remaining synovial fluid. Simply, you have less lubricant available and the lubricant that you do have is thicker. The result is stiffer joints, throughout your whole body.
As the joints begin to stiffen you may find it more difficult to bend over and pick up a dropped object and/or it is uncomfortable to turn your head around to see the car in the next lane. If you are experiencing these symptoms, the bad news is that, left untreated, the joints will get stiffer as you get older. Ignored, the joints will lose a large amount of mobility.
The good news, however, is that you can restore and revitalize much of your youthful flexibility.
Use It Or Lose It
One way to combat such physiologic aging is to keep active. This is a pretty big task for the people of today, in a world in which most of our time is spent at a desk or sat down. Human bodies were designed for hard, physical work. But as we have evolved from an agrarian to a more industrial society, and in recent times from an industrial to a service-based society, the type of work our bodies do has changed dramatically. When we’re not typing on a computer, we are at home watching TV or playing games on our electronic devices. None of these activities involves any actual active motion.
One key to joint health in today’s society is to counter act our static lifestyle. This includes creating time for exercise. Almost any type of exercise helps synovial fluid to become more available. The pumping of synovial fluid into joint spaces increases the lubrication into the joints. Exercise also raises the core temperature of the body, which subsequently decreases the thickness of the synovial fluid. The end result is our desired result of increased joint flexibility. This benefit is, more often than not, experienced immediately. The benefit will be long-lasting, but only if you continue to exercise regularly.
Plan Your Workouts For Maximum Benefit
Thirty minutes of exercise per day, 5 times a week, will help us maintain as much joint flexibility as possible. Switching between a cardiovascular exercise day and a strength training day is the optimal exercise program. Yoga can give a total body workout which uses cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility. The types of exercise you do are not as significant as the long-term consistency of the exercise.
Most importantly, regular vigorous exercise will provide great benefit to not only improve your joint flexibility, but it will also help to improve your general health and wellness!