Posts Tagged ‘Physiological Therapeutics New Fairfield CT’
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We look forward to serving you! Call - 203-746-6543.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Nov 1, 2022 | Health Articles

Are you sitting or standing on the bench due to an injury? For most athletes and health enthusiasts, recovering from an injury can be a workout in itself. For a serious athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt activity altogether to let a bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Oct 18, 2022 | Health Articles

The engine of the autumn season is now officially in overdrive. As the rushing to school, sports events or other important functions are on the fast track so may the attack on you and your family’s immune systems. So this month let us all commit to making ourselves a little healthier by choosing one or more of these healthy habits to practice regularly for a victoriously healthy season.
Create a Great Game Plan:
- Goal for at least seven hours of sleep each night – Better sleep means a healthier immune system. Remember our brain and body recover from the day’s stresses while we sleep.
- Get Adjusted — Have you and your family’s spine, and nervous system checked? In the fall season goal to have your spine and nervous system checked each week because your central nervous system runs your immune system. Chiropractic kids are freakishly healthy — This is just one great reason why!
- Avoid Sugar and Snacks – Aim to lower the intake of sugary, salty or fried foods, or foods with pesticides or preservatives in them. Although you may not be able to entirely avoid those foods, limit foods rich in those ingredients where you can. Steer your family towards fruit and vegetables instead. Need a fast fun suggestion? How about a fabulous power smoothie!
- Reduce Dairy — Try using almond or rice milk instead. Take any child with asthma or ear infections off of dairy, and they improve – just about every time. Add in some adjustments, and the healing is even faster.
- Exercise Regularly — Make sure you and your kids exercise each day. Even better, do a small workout in the morning before school together that is fun. It immediately cuts down on whiny morning behavior and best of all It also gets their lymphatic systems moving which makes for healthier kids.
- Avoid Medications and Let Fevers Ride. When children do get colds, do not immediately lower their fevers. Comfort, cuddle them, and monitor them closely while they have the fever, but try not to lower the fever. A fever is the body’s way of combating the “bugs” and learning how to protect itself in the future from the unwanted invaders. Far too commonly we see that family’s that use fever-reducing drugs often seem to have colds that last for a week or longer.
- Eat Breakfast Every Morning – that’s why they call it “breaking the fast,” so get your day started with a healthy meal.
Questions? Just ask one of our Wellness Team Leaders what he or she suggests, and travel the shortest distance to good health this fall!
Ready To Fast Track Your Immune System This Fall?
Our Expert Team is ready, willing, and able to help you! Please ask one of our team members all of your important questions so that we can ensure that you can have prepared your immune system for the strongest fall season yet!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Oct 11, 2022 | Health Articles

Do you suffer in pain? Do you very carefully balance between managing pain versus giving up and crying, "It is just too much?" If this is you, read on for helpful information to better help you understand and choose the from best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain, and other ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Sep 27, 2022 | Health Articles

Fall is here! The first days of school have come and gone. Now the once excited kids bend over or strain shoulders to hold the overly heavy backpacks that contain their school books and folders. Unfortunately these over filled backpacks are heading our future generations into early back pain, neck pain, headaches and disease processes. According to figures from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 7,000 children attend the ER each year due to backpack-related injuries. Unfortunately, this is a trend that will continue as more schools remove lockers from their premises, and thus children are forced to carry around with them extra books and bags for the entire day.
To help avoid developing this trend our team would like to help your children start strong and stay strong all year long. So please review to help make this year a healthy one!
Back Pack Safety Checklist
Let’s begin by checking the backpack safely list provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) below:
- Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. Padded shoulder straps are very important. Not only will they be more comfortable than non-padded straps, but they will also help prevent the straps from digging into your child’s shoulders.
- The shoulder straps should be adjustable, so the backpack can be fitted to your child’s body. Shoulder straps that are too loose can cause the backpack to dangle uncomfortably and cause spinal misalignments, back and neck pain.
- Tell your child to use both shoulder straps, not just one. A backpack slung over one shoulder disproportionately shifts all of the weight to one side, and can cause not only neck and muscle spasms, but also low back pain.
- Pack light. Organize the backpack to use all of its compartments. A backpack with individualized compartments will help you position the contents most effectively and ensure that your child’s sandwich isn’t flattened by a heavy textbook.
- Pack heavier items closest to the center of the back. Make sure your child’s backpack weighs no more than 10 to 20 percent of your child’s body weight.
- Come and get your Back To School Back Pack Check Up! Bring your child’s back pack into our office so we may help you properly fit the backpack and ensure that your children’s bodies are in balance physically and nutritionally to tackle all of the new excitement this school year!
Most importantly lead by example and teach them the why and how of good posture. Make it fun and persevere!
We Are Here to Help!
Let’s Make This Year A Healthy One! Our expert team is trained to diagnose and treat all ages. We are here to help if you or your children suffer from pain or discomfort from using a backpack, sports injuries, or other common growing pains and conditions. Treatment is geared to the age of the patient, with a more gentle approach for children. We also offer advice on specific exercises that can help you and your family develop stronger muscles, and on proper nutrition, good posture, and optimum sleeping habits.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Nov 2, 2021 | Health Articles

Are you sitting or standing on the bench due to an injury? For most athletes and health enthusiasts, recovering from an injury can be a workout in itself. For a serious athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt activity altogether to let a bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. ...