Posts Tagged ‘Pain Relief New Fairfield CT’
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We look forward to serving you! Call - 203-746-6543.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Feb 28, 2017 | Health Articles

Are you sitting on the sideline for some of your favorite activities due to a shoulder injury that is making many routine activities challenging and painful? Or have you played through telling yourself it will heal or you will address later?
Be warned! It could be an injury to your rotator cuff! Your shoulder injury that ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Nov 8, 2016 | Health Articles

Ice or Heat? When you suffer from an injury or are in need of pain relief, this question arises quite frequently. Most often apply the solution that our mothers gave us or what our best friend who also suffered from the same the injury or pain did.
While some say ice is better for your pain, ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Mar 22, 2016 | Health Articles

Our bodies love the exhilaration of moving fast. Unfortunately, they are not as accepting of the sharp stops. These sharp stops can not only be painful today but can have a traumatic effect on your health long term.
If you have ever been in a car, roller coaster, or possibly simply fallen and came to a ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Jun 18, 2015 | Health Articles
Gone are the days of sitting back in our office chairs with our feet on the desk. Now we have gone to the absolute other extreme to where our heads are almost in the computer screen as they are stretched and extended by our form that is becoming hunched and almost disfigured. With this wonderful posture we have gained illnesses and pains that could and can be avoided. To help find and create solutions to this growing trend and to help companies have healthier employees and in turn more productivity with less sick days, the science of workplace ergonomics was developed to address work place solutions which creates a win for both employee and employer.
Simple Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the practice of suiting the conditions in which a person works to the specific capabilities and job demands of that employee. It follows that, for an ergonomic workplace to be created, a proper assessment of the environment must first of all take place so that appropriate changes can be made on the basis of accepted ergonomic principles. The aim is to create a safer and more productive working environment for the employee.
The Three Most Important Applications of Workplace Ergonomics:
- The stress of any lifting should be taken by the largest muscles to protect the smaller and more vulnerable ones.
- When working, the employee should be able to move comfortably between various correct postures so they don’t over-stress one particular part of the body for an extended period. Muscles become fatigued when kept tense for too long, especially if that one posture is poor.
- Joints should move through no more than 50% of their range when performing activities, and preferably be kept in a neutral position. Joints that are overextended can become damaged and susceptible to repetitive stress/strain injuries.
Tips for Safe Lifting:
When lifting anything off the floor, bend at the knees, not at the waist. Keep your head up, your neck and back straight, and use your leg muscles to power up to standing. Bending forward at the waist to lift brings your low-back muscles into it, and these can be easily pulled. Keep your elbows flexed and hold the object close in to your body to further minimize back strain.
Tips for the Desk Jockey:
- The height of the desk should be suited to your frame, and everything you need should be within easy reach.
- Your feet should be able to touch the floor, and the angle between your torso and thighs should be 90 to 110 degrees.
- Keep your body straight, head and neck upright, and keep your task directly in front of you. Don’t hunch or slouch.
- The top of your computer monitor should be at your eye level. Your head should be in a neutral position, otherwise any leaning forward can cause pain in the neck and head.
- Your wrists should be straight when typing, and your shoulders and forearms parallel to the floor.
- Anything you read at your desk should be at the same level as though you were reading it on your monitor. Use a book stand or a paper holder.
- Use a headset when talking on the telephone – certainly if you are doing so for long periods. Never use your shoulder to cradle the phone against your ear. This will lead to headaches and neck pain.
- Every 20 or 30 minutes, get up, have a stretch and go for a little wander. But do not stray to long.
- Frequently stretch out your neck, arms, wrists, back, and legs while working. Try neck rotations, fist clenches, arm dangles, and shoulder shrugs.
- Don’t stare at one thing for too long. If your eyes do not frequently shift focus, they will become strained. Take a few seconds to look from objects that are nearby to objects that are farther away, such as your colleagues who are still frowning at you following your last stretching routine.
Bonus Mouse Safety:
Use you arm and shoulder to move the mouse, not just your wrist. Hold the mouse loosely and keep your wrist straight and relaxed. The edge of your desk is not the best place to rest your wrist; instead, use a gel rest incorporated into the mouse mat. Take regular breaks during each hour to flex your wrists, and to move your arms and shoulders.
We Can Help!
With the exponential growth of the internet world our bodies can endure poor repetitive posture and strains for over eight hours a day and sometime more. These demands have developed many of these health challenges such as neck pain, headaches, low back pain, carpal tunnel.
As specialists our team has been developed to first address your pain symptoms but also work to create better solutions for you and your company’s team. We encourage questions and would love to help your team by helping you develop solutions to your work environment, which should be a happy healthy place for you; for you may be there more than your own home.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Feb 26, 2015 | Health Articles

As we look in the mirror or stand on a scale, we are measuring our health on a simple measurement of visual information. All the graphs and medical journals outline our health on simple measurements and determine where we should optimally range to be considered healthy. When it comes to our health internally we no longer seem to measure on how we look or how much we weigh but on how we feel. It is only when a crisis occurs do we decide to take an inside look and take a measurement.
One of the most important areas that we should begin to look first is our spine. Our spine is the foundation that not only connects our musculoskeletal system but houses the spinal cord which serves as the message relay to our full nervous system.
For such an important check up, the experts in this field are Chiropractors. Chiropractors are specially trained to evaluate for misalignments of the spine and the amount and length of time nerve interference has been existing in a person. They also can measure the severity of nerve blockage by knowing how much spinal degeneration – Arthritis- has occurred within the spinal column.
How is the Health of My Spine Determined?
A normal healthy spine will allow all the nerves of the spinal column to exit the spine and allow the body to function the way it is supposed to in a strong and healthy way. As seen by an x-ray, a person with an optimally healthy spine will exhibit a normal “S” shaped curve in three perfect sixty degree arcs with even disc spaces and the outer layer of the vertebral bones will be square, smooth, and well defined.
If someone is in what is called a Phase 1 of spinal degeneration they will have a loss of the normal spinal curve, they will exhibit disc, joint, muscle, and nerve damage. They will also have distorted posture. These people will have less energy, their height will be diminished, and health problems will be something they put up with while having the false perception that it is normal aging.
If someone is in a Phase 2 of spinal degeneration they will have increased spinal decay, disc narrowing, bone deformation and spinal canal narrowing (stenosis) may occur. These people will have a more common scenario of aches and pains (sometimes daily). They will be fatigued quite frequently, and they must realize that their health is becoming a large concern if they want to enjoy the rest of their life.
If someone is in a Phase 3 of spinal degeneration they will have greater postural imbalance, increasing nerve damage, advanced bone deformation, and extreme loss of flexibility. These people will have a serious health situation, if they are not receiving help from a Chiropractor. They will commonly be on a lot of medication and find that they are unable to participate in healthy activities. Their quality of life is very low.
The phases that follow are commonly associated with very low quality of life, disease processes occurring affecting organs and other systems. The restoration through chiropractic care from these phases is extremely low to non existent.
Your level of spinal decay will determine the level of spinal reconstruction possible. If you wonder what your level of spinal degeneration is make an appointment with a Chiropractor today to find out. Do not wait until your back pain, neck pain, or other health problems become to much for you to live with. A Chiropractor is specially trained to correct misalignments, restore function, rehabilitate and revitalize the health of your entire body.
The Best Part – We Can Help the Now and Later!
Eye checks, teeth checks, breast checks, prostate checks. Is a spinal check on your list?
As you are preparing and having routine check ups to maintain your health, make sure that a spinal check up is there to help you evaluate the health of your spine today and to give you a mirror to the health of your future.