Posts Tagged ‘New Fairfield Improved Breathing’
Welcome to Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center's New Fairfield Improved Breathing Archive. Here you can learn more about Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Brandon Chorney, today's choice for Chiropractors in New Fairfield, CT. Read Dr. Brandon Chorney's Chiropractic New Fairfield Improved Breathing for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 203-746-6543.
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | May 14, 2020 | Health Articles

Finally summer is here! But with the great weather that arrived late this year so did the massive pollen levels that are causing an historic spike in cases of seasonal allergy, also known as allergic rhinitis. Bad news for those of us who anxiously awaited to emerge from our winter cocoons and enjoy the great outdoors.
Allergies by nature do not occur spontaneously, each day we either build health or sickness in our body. Small traumas even birth is self, long-term abuse and negligence, though unnoticeable at first, take their toll on the body over a period of time. By the time your first allergy symptoms appear such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes and various other symptom your body has already been experiencing interference or malfunction for some period of time—often years.
This summer season we want to help free families from their allergies and get them playing full out in the game of life!
Start Early
How many times does a child fall while he or she is just learning to walk? And after they learn to walk, don’t they run, skip, stomp, jump, and hop? Don’t they fall out of bed, fall out of trees, fall off their bikes, fight with their brothers and sisters, stand on their heads, play football, basketball, hockey, dance, gymnastics, and on and on and on?
Any of these things are enough to cause a spinal misalignment. Left uncorrected, these will also begin to take their toll on the body. Lowering the ability of the body to be well will make it less able to concentrate, less able to fight off disease, less able to coordinate and harmonize, less able to make the food that is eaten into usable form, and less able to clean the blood of toxins. It will make it less able to make the proper chemicals or the proper amount to control all the body’s functions, and less able to be strong, flexible and healthy.
Chiropractic for the Whole Family
Many people are concerned about the forcefulness of an adjustment on a child or infant. That would be a legitimate concern if all patients received the same adjustment. Thankfully, they do not. Each person is adjusted according to their age, their size, their health condition and their spinal misalignments.
Creating a Great Chiropractic Family
We have been able to help hundreds of families restore health and vitality back into their lives through Chiropractic Care and our Spinal Educational Programs. Our goal is to empower and support our patients with knowledge and tools to regain a level of health and vitality they have not previously experienced.
Contact us today to experience a better quality of life through better health!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Jun 30, 2015 | Health Articles
The warmth of summer is finally here! As we open the windows and doors, we may find that the increase in temperature coincides with the massive pollen levels that are causing an unwanted boost in cases of seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis. This is unwanted news for those of us who anxiously awaited for summer to finally arrive.
So before you go and take all those medications or avoid going outdoors look at choosing a new solution to your seasonal allergies this summer season.
It All Begins Here
Allergies by nature do not occur spontaneously, each day we either build health or sickness in our body. Small traumas even birth is self, long-term abuse and negligence, though unnoticeable at first, take their toll on the body over a period of time. By the time your first allergy symptoms appear such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches, and various other symptoms your body has already been experiencing interference or malfunction for some period of time—possibly years.
Children like adults should be living a full on active lifestyle. With activities comes bumps, falls, collisions in sports or autos, and poor posture with repetition in our relaxation times. Any of these things are enough to cause a spinal misalignment. Left uncorrected, these will also begin to take their toll on the body. Lowering the ability of the body to be well will make it less able to concentrate, less able to fight off disease, less able to coordinate and harmonize, less able to make the food that is eaten into usable form, and less able to clean the blood of toxins. It will make it less able to make the proper chemicals or the proper amount to control all the body’s functions, and less able to be strong, flexible and healthy.
Great Natural Health Solution for the Whole Family!
We have been able to help hundreds of families restore health and vitality back into their lives through Chiropractic Care and our Spinal Educational Programs. Our goal is to empower and support our patients with knowledge and tools to regain a level of health and vitality they have not previously experienced.
Many people are concerned about the forcefulness of an adjustment on a child or infant. That would be a legitimate concern if all patients received the same adjustment. Thankfully, they do not. Each person is adjusted according to their age, their size, their health condition and their spinal misalignments.
Contact us today so you and your family can begin to experience a better quality of life through better health!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Jun 24, 2014 | Health Articles

Finally summer is here! But with the great weather that arrived late this year so did the massive pollen levels that are causing an historic spike in cases of seasonal allergy, also known as allergic rhinitis. Bad news for those of us who anxiously awaited to emerge from our winter cocoons and enjoy the great outdoors.
Allergies ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Oct 23, 2012 | Health Articles

Lung function is a good measurement of the overall health of an individual. A study was conducted on 58 patients to determine how cervical knee-chest adjustment influenced pulmonary function. Forced Expitatory Volume in one second (FEV-1), and Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) were measured before care and two weeks after care on a computerized spirometer.
Analysis of ...