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Core Success of Health Goals

New Fairfield Weight Training

For the fourth time in two days, an advertisement to the local gym runs through the homepage of your Facebook.  You have committed that this is the year of my best body, so you stop scrolling quickly call to join.

It’s hard work, it hurts and could be slightly embarrassing, but in our minds, we are still in our prime; so what could the downside be?

Why Should I Not Get My Exercise Routine From The Internet

Unfortunately, many of us are misguided by magazines or well-intentioned videos to what the most beneficial exercises would be for our bodies.   The number of people in the gym engaging in fundamentally dangerous exercises, which have no real life practical benefit whatsoever, is astounding.  So be careful when seeking helpful advice on your first stages of a workout and find recommendations and guidelines that embrace the application of the benefit of function.

Exercise with the benefit of function refers to the conditioning of the muscles and structures used in your activities of daily living.  This form of training encompasses whole body movements such as squats and lunges which place a demand on the bodies core stabilizing structures to ensure balance, stability, and coordination. Functional training tasks should, therefore, emphasize multi-joint movements where muscles work in coordinated task groups.  They should also be dynamic enough to activate the reflexes that enhance the system’s stability and efficiency.  Finally, they should require skillful solutions, similar to the motor problems posed by many of today’s daily activities.

Focus On Your Core

Though commonly used to refer to the abs and lower-back muscles collectively (considered the epicenter of the body ), the term “core” actually applies to several muscles throughout the upper and lower body.  The transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis (your six-pack muscle), internal obliques, multifidus, spinal erectors, lats, glutes, and traps can all be considered core muscles. These muscle groups all work together, often simultaneously, to stabilize and support the spine. Since the spinal cord is the main avenue for sending messages to the muscles throughout your body, the safer your body senses that it is, the more comfortable it feels sending those messages out and the more clearly they are received.

Building a strong core is the first step toward making maximal gains in strength and power and performing any skilled athletic movement.  Strong supporting muscles around the spine also reduce lower-back pain, as well as the risk for lower-back injury.  Ripped abs are a bonus as your core muscles include all the abdominal muscles that makeup that aesthetic six-pack. It’s the foundation of a ripped midsection.

Pace Your Workouts

Change your training gradually.   It doesn’t matter how fit you are when your body is exposed to new physical stress; it takes time for your system to adapt.  This rule is not limited to sports activities but should be applied to other areas of your life.

Watch For:

Tightness and Restriction The body is quite clever. When an area is irritated or injured the nervous system usually tightens the muscles around the region to help brace or splint the region to protect it.   This increase in muscle tone can be felt before you feel any pain, and it’s usually specific to one area.   If you are unable to stretch and release a tight area or cramp, apply ice and rest.  If the tension continues, consult your chiropractor or integrated physical medicine team whose team includes a great chiropractor.

The Normal Pain Quotient Nature designed pain for a reason. There is a difference between working hard and feeling a bit sore after a session and pathological pain.  Use the 3-day rule: if it’s not better after a few days, there might be something going on.

Charged Up and Ready To Help!

The exciting news is that out of this demand for thrill seeking and pushing for the “next great,” we now have specialists who use their expertise to not only rehabilitate sports injuries but teach athletes to be part of the top 1%. We teach them to listen to their bodies and to make them aware of common signals that can alert them that an injury may occur.

Call today as our expert team is charged up and ready to help you not only achieve your health goals successfully but to help you maintain those results.  Have questions on where to begin? Call us. We can help create a dynamic program based on your individual needs and goals.

Fact or Fiction about Weight Training

New Fairfield Weight Training

When we think of body builders, many of us envision a person similar to the Hulk, Sylvester Stallone, or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Essentially we visualize a man or woman who is so muscular that we imagine that they can barely turn their head. This stiffness or lack of flexibility is one of the most common myths about heavy weight training. In fact, if weight training is performed correctly, incorporating a full range of motion, heavy weight training can actually enhance your flexibility.

This misconception about weight training leading to inflexibility has remained firmly in people’s minds, despite the fact that studies as long ago as the 1960s proved otherwise. Later studies have confirmed that properly performed strength training exercises serve to increase flexibility rather than reduce it.


A 2002 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research evaluated the effect on flexibility of a 10-week resistance training program on a group of 11 elderly female subjects. The control group consisted of eight elderly women who were physically inactive. The women’s level of flexibility was assessed by a sit-and-reach test performed both before and after the 10-week training period. Using resistance machines, the women in the training group performed eight different strength training exercises (seated row, seated biceps curl, seated triceps press, shoulder press, chest press, calf press, abdominal crunch and leg press) without performing any flexibility exercise. The study found that the training group women had achieved an average increase of 13% more flexibility over the control group by the end of the training program.

Another study, published the following year in the same journal, found that flexibility was greater in subjects who used light weights (1-3 pounds) on their wrists and ankles during a 10-week training program than the control group who used no weights while training. They surpassed the control group in five out of ten flexibility measures, including left and right neck rotation, knee flexion and hip extension.

Flexibility Future and You

Weight training exercises should involve the full range of motion in order to build strength while maintaining flexibility. To maintain good flexibility while training with weights, learn to vary your workouts so that you do not repeat the same actions over and over. This will encourage your muscles to keep from shortening and becoming less flexible.

Walk Your Way to Great Health

Benefits of Walking

While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape. Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience. And thanks to its ...


Make it Easy as Pie When Choosing Your Bike

exercise New Fairfield

However you choose to ride around on two wheels: on-road, off-road, for fun or competitively - the bike you choose to do it has to be fit not just to those needs, but also to your body. You wouldn’t enter a Tour de France on a Big Wheel, and neither should you ignore the finer ...


Exercise Success Starts with Getting Back to the Basics

New Fairfield Exercise

When you are ready to start a new exercise regimen there are always plenty of new-fangled machines to help you get started and to make your exercise easier. The strange machines, contraptions and weird exercise routines promise to make your exercise easier and with faster results. To the person that loves a new gadget or ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center