Posts Tagged ‘New Fairfield CT Stress Management’
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Hope for Autism
With the ever growing phenomenon of labels, many children are being labeled simply as autistic and then given the traditional series of medications and therapies. Help is near due to recent research studies conducted to help our children who may be effected strive for healthier happier lives.
In an important study, listed on the website, reported the results of Chiropractic treatment on fourteen children who had been diagnosed with autism. Half of them received treatment through the entire spine and half received Chiropractic treatment that focused on the upper cervical spine. Using standard criteria for testing autistic children’s communication, sociability, behavior and other factors, the children were monitored weekly for three months.
The results showed that improvement occurred in six of the seven children under upper cervical adjustment and in five of the seven children under full spine adjustment. In the upper cervical group, two of the children improved so much that they no longer met the criteria to be classified as autistic.
The most common improvements were seen in communication, verbal skills, eye contact, mood, and physical sport skills.
This study was included in the basis of the building of the Charles R. Cono Center for Research & Life Planning campus, a $50 million dollar campus now located in North San Diego County. On October 1, 2009, the Training, Education & Research Institute broke ground on the construction of this brand new major resource center dedicated to providing a comprehensive array of services and support programs to an increasing number of aging people with autism and/or other developmental disabilities. Very importantly, a Chiropractic treatment center is part of the Fitness Center. Given a 2006 study of chiropractic treatment for children with autism, this was very appropriate. By including Chiropractic in their array of services, the planners of the Charles R. Cono Center for Research & Life Planning are giving their students and future students their very best chance at an improved and healthy life. With the success of this center others are scheduled to be built around the country.
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Autism or another learning disability, contact us today so we can help you understand how powerful Chiropractic can be – A Life Changer!