Posts Tagged ‘New Fairfield CT Physical Therapy’

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Understanding Over The Counter Pain Relief

Pain Relief New Fairfield CT Medication

The word on the streets is that the most abused drugs these days are found not being creatively cooked or grown, but bought over the counter at pharmacies near you. The medications that are most often misused are not for recreational use but the reduction of back pain, neck pain and headaches. That same pain is ...


How Do You Spell Pain Relief?

Neck Pain New Fairfield CT Whiplash

Carefully listen next time you are watching television, and a new drug is being advertised. The last 20 seconds after the sell is the long list of side effects. Wow! The effects are far worse than the condition they are treating. By comparison now, the simple over-the-counter pain relievers look virtually ...


Are You In Pain Solution Paralysis?

Chronic Pain Solutions New Fairfield CT Low Back Pain
Do you suffer in pain? Do you very carefully balance between managing pain versus giving up and crying, “It is just too much?”  If this is you, read on for helpful information to better help you understand and choose the from best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

Different Pain Protocols

No one wants to worry constantly.  We certainly do not want to visit our chiropractor or family doctor for every ache and pain, but eventually, we all experience physical health challenges that may be difficult to solve without expert advice.  

Deciphering the 911

Some health crises are immediate and serious.  For instance, if you suddenly experience crushing chest pain with radiating pain down your left arm, possibly with nausea, profuse perspiration, and a feeling of impending doom, you know you have to call “911” immediately. If you awaken in the middle of the night with an intense, deep, sharp pain in your lower right abdomen, accompanied by vomiting and a fever, you also know that you need to go to the Emergency Room right away.  In these exceptional cases, most people know which steps to take.  

Now, what about the pain that does not categorize as a “code red”?

Nonurgent Urgent Care

Overall, pain is a warning sign, but many problems that cause pain can resolve on their own.  For example, you may twist an ankle on your daily walk.  It may hurt to put weight on that ankle, and there may even be a bit of swelling, but within two days your ankle is much better.  There was initial pain attributing to a soft tissue injury, possibly involving muscles, tendons, or ligaments; however, the injury was not so severe that your body’s ability to self-heal could not manage the situation.  In the case of a greater degree of initial pain, more swelling, or if improvement were not obtained within 48 hours, a visit to your chiropractor would be appropriate.  
In borderline situations involving musculoskeletal pain, for instance back, neck, shoulder, or knee pain,  your intuition, and level of pain tolerance will be the deciding factor on when to seek professional assistance.  But better to err on the side of caution and not lose the quality of life you desire by living and masking the pain with anti-inflammatories.

Pain Relief Versus Pain Solution

When you suffer from debilitating neck and back pain, you should consider an evaluation first by a qualified chiropractor.   The majority of these spinal complaints are caused by irritation and inflammation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that not only help create the structure of the spinal column but provide for the full mobility of the spinal vertebrae.  By locating regions of your spine with decreased mobility, a chiropractor can identify the areas that are in need of treatment. The treatment includes not only restoring mobility to the spinal joints but the reduction of pressure and irritation on spinal nerves.  By reducing the irritation and inflammation of the spinal soft tissues, the pain will reduce along with the adverse effects to the normal function of the spinal nerves.  The result of non-treatment for spinal nerve compression may include a wide range of other health problems.  By addressing the source of many of these problems, chiropractic care and rehabilitation, which may include physical rehabilitation and exercises, spinal decompression, or other non-surgical modalities will help eliminate your neck and back pain and help contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Let Us Start With Good Action Steps

If you or a loved one are suffering in pain and you feel like you have tried everything or are just too tired from the pain to make a clear decision, let us help you make an informed and solution based decision.  Our expert team is ready and waiting to help you begin to take the steps towards your next best day – pain-free!

Pain Relief Can Start With A Healthy Walk

Knee Pain New Fairfield CT Exercise
What is your excuse for not exercising? Is it no time, tired from work, the kids, or in pain? Unfortunately, those are all great reasons (excuses), but instead of justifying the reasons, let’s grab your sneakers and a light sweatshirt and let’s get walking!  

Best of All – Free Membership!

While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape without becoming a member of an expensive gym.   Best of all except for a good pair of walking shoes, it requires virtually no equipment. So whether enjoying the wonder of nature or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, refreshing experience. And thanks to its convenience and simplicity, walking might be right for you, too.

Walk Like You Own It!

A sedentary lifestyle has a debilitating influence on people’s health as they age; therefore exercise is imperative.

Check off all the great benefits to walking:

  • Improves cardiovascular endurance
  • Tones muscles of the lower body
  • Burns calories: about 80 if walking 2 miles per hour, and about 107 if walking 4.5 miles per hour
  • Reduces risk of heart disease

Sport The Right Shoes

The first item of business when beginning your walking program is to select the right pair of shoes. Too many people choose fashion over function when purchasing running shoes, not realizing that poor-fitting shoes can do more than hurt their stride; they can also lead to pain throughout the body.

  • Make sure the shoes you purchase fit properly. The balls of your feet should rest exactly at the point where the toe end of the shoe bends during walking.
  • Select shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact.
  • Shop for sneakers at the end of the day or after a workout when your feet are generally at their largest. Wear the type of socks you usually wear during exercise.
  • When trying on shoes, be sure to wear them for at least 10 minutes at the store.

Once you have purchased a pair of shoes, don’t walk them into the ground. While estimates vary as to when is the best time to replace old shoes, most experts agree that between 300 and 500 miles are optimal.

Goal For Success

Walking just 12 minutes every other day can offer important health benefits. But to increase your longevity, try to work up to 30 minutes, five days per week. Experts generally agree that to be considered “active,” adults should try to take 10,000 steps each day. Wearing a pedometer is an easy way to track your progress. Follow these great tips to start strong and stay strong:

  • Move your arms freely, in coordination with the opposite leg.
  • Stop staring down at your phone. This posture change will have you looking up and around, and unplugged from stress. The simple head posture shift will also take the pressure off your joints that are causing you to carry your weight improperly.
  • Don’t carry weights or dumbbells while walking. They’re better used as a separate part of your exercise regimen.
  • Expect a little soreness in the thighs and calves for the first week or two. If you experience more than soreness, check with your chiropractic physician.
  • Walk briskly, with “purpose.” Simply sauntering, while relaxing and enjoyable, is not an effective form of cardiovascular exercise.

Of course, be sure to consult your medical practitioner before beginning any rigorous exercise program.

On The Right Track

Follow these surface choice tips to maximize the benefit and reduce the chance of injury:

  • Walking on a cushioned or rubberized track is ideal, because the cushioning of this type of track absorbs most of the impact of your walking. Many recreation centers offer this type of track free of charge.
  • Grass is another good surface, but watch out for hidden dips or holes in the ground.
  • Walking on a surface with no give, such as concrete or a mall floor, is not your best choice, because this type of surface will not absorb much of the impact your body will experience. If you do choose to walk on such a surface, be extra careful to select highly cushioned shoes.

Take Your First Step Here!

We want to help keep you moving in perfect balance to maximize the benefit and help to avoid low back hip or knee pain.   So as you lace up and head for the open road make sure to call and get a checkup for top performance.

Ready For Pain Relief in New Fairfield?

Chronic Pain Solutions New Fairfield CT Low Back Pain

Are you in constant pain? Do you carefully balance between managing your pain vs. giving up and crying?  Is it just too much?" If you can relate or watch someone you love suffer needlessly, read on for insightful information to help you understand and choose the best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, ...


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