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Posts Tagged ‘New Fairfield CT Obesity’

Welcome to Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center's New Fairfield CT Obesity Archive. Here you can learn more about Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Brandon Chorney, today's choice for Chiropractors in New Fairfield, CT. Read Dr. Brandon Chorney's Chiropractic New Fairfield CT Obesity for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 203-746-6543.

Breaking the Spell – Nutrition & Weight Loss

Nutrition New Fairfield CT Weight Loss

Do sugary treats make you cackle with joy and send spells of disdain towards your waistline? Unfortunately, one of our favorite candy-filled holidays is upon us, as the retail world likes to remind us. As in all ghoulish fairy tales, the wicked witch ensnares us with tantalizing sugar laden tricks that do not fool our ...


21st Century Neck Pain

Neck Pain New Fairfield CT Posture
We are in full swing of the 21st century with all its benefits but also alarming detriments. All correspondence is now primarily virtual. Interactions between humans, may it be business, casual acquaintances and worse, our more intimate partners has now become smart technology hands-free operations based. With so much time spent in our virtual world, our physical bodies, especially our neck and back, are suffering from diseases inclusive of obesity, migraine headaches and more chronic pains due to our habitual bad postures that we hold while we are “corresponding.”

“Virtual” Pain Is Real

Years ago we attributed that the most unhealthy people were typically those who had careers which required hard, repetitive physical labor, repetitive activities or those who were required to travel long distances in a poor sitting position in a car or truck. The hours, weeks, months, and years with these requirements which were typically done in an unhealthy position had been one of the largest contributors to poor health rather than an impact or accident.

Turn of The Century Change

As the age of digital technology became the ruler of careers and now for many virtual lives and social connections, our time sitting in poor postures has more than tripled and so has the rise in our health problems.

These health problems range from neck pain, back pain, headaches, and sciatica to the onset of many disease processes including obesity.

Although the solution of unplugging from our devices may seem simple, it is not that easy as many of our careers are dependent on them and as long as we are not inconvenienced with a life-threatening disease, we do not act. Unfortunately, hitting the escape key at that point is not that easy.

Re-Boot Your Health

At our practice, we see how human behaviors and our evolution of technology has shaped our society and impacted the way we use our bodies. Repetitive activities with poor posture are at an all-time high and continue to have predictably devastating effects on our health. If we do not implement change in our behaviors, the health of the next generation may get worse.

Because smartphones, computers and the virtual world are here to stay, let us help you begin to re-boot your actions with a few simple tips:

1. Get a standing desk or an ergonomically designed chair, preferably with a properly fitted backrest or better yet not at all.

2. Take regular breaks. Get up every 30-60 minutes to stretch for 30-60 seconds.

3. Do not sit or lounge on the sofa after your evening meal. Stand, stretch or walk for 10 minutes without your handheld device. Here is an added bonus, it will also stimulate your metabolism!

Ready To Help!

Is your future health worth a few minutes and a few minor changes in your behaviors? Absolutely!

If you are ready to improve your health, stop degenerative changes, eliminate headaches, back and neck pain due to work and stress due to your careers; plus increase your energy, call our office today. Our expert team is ready to help you unplug and take on a new real life healthy lifestyle.

A Facebook Repost – Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease New Fairfield CT Health Improvement

A year later and our Facebook homepage posts are still filled with heartache by friends and family who are experiencing illnesses and life changing disabilities due to chronic disease. Our instantaneous world connection delivers not only the triumphs but the shares of how chronic disease has now touched more of our lives worldwide than ...


21st Century Neck Pain

Neck Pain New Fairfield CT Posture
We are in full swing of the 21st century with all its benefits but also alarming detriments. All correspondence is now primarily virtual. Interactions between humans, may it be business, casual acquaintances and worse, our more intimate partners has now become smart technology hands-free operations based. With so much time spent in our virtual world, our physical bodies, especially our neck and back, are suffering from diseases inclusive of obesity, migraine headaches and more chronic pains due to our habitual bad postures that we hold while we are “corresponding.”

“Virtual” Pain Is Real

Years ago we attributed that the most unhealthy people were typically those who had careers which required hard, repetitive physical labor, repetitive activities or those who were required to travel long distances in a poor sitting position in a car or truck. The hours, weeks, months, and years with these requirements which were typically done in an unhealthy position had been one of the largest contributors to poor health rather than an impact or accident.

Turn of The Century Change

As the age of digital technology became the ruler of careers and now for many virtual lives and social connections, our time sitting in poor postures has more than tripled and so has the rise in our health problems.

These health problems range from neck pain, back pain, headaches, and sciatica to the onset of many disease processes including obesity.

Although the solution of unplugging from our devices may seem simple, it is not that easy as many of our careers are dependent on them and as long as we are not inconvenienced with a life-threatening disease, we do not act. Unfortunately, hitting the escape key at that point is not that easy.

Re-Boot Your Health

At our practice, we see how human behaviors and our evolution of technology has shaped our society and impacted the way we use our bodies. Repetitive activities with poor posture are at an all-time high and continue to have predictably devastating effects on our health. If we do not implement change in our behaviors, the health of the next generation may get worse.

Because smartphones, computers and the virtual world are here to stay, let us help you begin to re-boot your actions with a few simple tips:

1. Get a standing desk or an ergonomically designed chair, preferably with a properly fitted backrest or better yet not at all.

2. Take regular breaks. Get up every 30-60 minutes to stretch for 30-60 seconds.

3. Do not sit or lounge on the sofa after your evening meal. Stand, stretch or walk for 10 minutes without your handheld device. Here is an added bonus, it will also stimulate your metabolism!

Ready To Help!

Is your future health worth a few minutes and a few minor changes in your behaviors? Absolutely!

If you are ready to improve your health, stop degenerative changes, eliminate headaches, back and neck pain due to work and stress due to your careers; plus increase your energy, call our office today. Our expert team is ready to help you unplug and take on a new real life healthy lifestyle.

A Facebook Repost – Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease New Fairfield CT Health Improvement

A year later and our Facebook homepage posts are still filled with heartache by friends and family who are experiencing illnesses and life changing disabilities due to chronic disease. Our instantaneous world connection delivers not only the triumphs but the shares of how chronic disease has now touched more of our lives worldwide than ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center