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Tips For Faster Injury Recovery

Back Pain New Fairfield CT Sciatica
Are you sitting or standing on the bench due to an injury? For most athletes and health enthusiasts, recovering from an injury can be a workout in itself. For a serious athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt activity altogether to let a bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. However, there are a few things you can do to help speed the healing process so you can heal like a pro and get back to your athletic activities as soon as possible.

Understanding The Difference In Pain Relief Options

When cells are damaged in a fracture, large amounts of prostaglandins are released. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids made at sites of tissue damage or infection that are involved in dealing with injury and illness. They control processes such as inflammation, blood flow, the formation of blood clots and the induction of labor.   Although this is what causes you to feel the pain, the production of these lipids is also instrumental in the early stages of tissue repair.

Here is the catch.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to alleviate pain and stop the action of prostaglandins, but the prostaglandins are quintessential to the healing process.   The best suggestion would be to stop taking the NSAIDs as soon as possible after suffering a broken bone.  Alternatively, you could take non-NSAID pain medication such as acetaminophen for pain relief, for it does not have the same effect on prostaglandins.

Another Reason To Stop Smoking/Vaping

It is scientifically proven that the broken bones of people who smoke take longer to heal. The smoke reduces blood flow, therefore, reduces the number of nutrients and oxygen traveling to the injury site. The chemicals released into the blood from smoking damages the cells that form bone. This process and significantly decrease healing time or prevent complete healing altogether.

Your New Besties – Calcium, Magnesium, & Vitamins D and K

These vitamins and minerals are all integral to healthy bone growth. We have all heard about how important calcium is in the diet, but if you take a lot of calcium without accompanying it with magnesium and vitamins D and K, much of that calcium will not be absorbed by your bones. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard are among the best sources of not only calcium but magnesium and vitamin K as well. If you live in a sunny climate, you can get a good supply of vitamin D by sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day with arms and legs exposed and using no sunblock. For those who live in less sun-drenched locations (and those of us waiting out the winter months), you can get vitamin D from fortified milk products, or you can take a vitamin D supplement.

Sideline the Coffee and Sodas

Caffeine and sugar both increase the excretion of calcium from the bones by 25-50 percent. So try to avoid the comfort foods!

Just become a Lean, Mean, Protein Consuming Machine!

Rake In the Benefits of No Back Pain

Back Pain Relief New Fairfield CT
Autumn season is upon us!  Our senses come alive as many of us are beginning to enjoy the sight of the beautiful and majestic colors displayed on our trees, the touch of coolness in the air, and the smell of bonfires. We know the beauty is short-lived for the beautiful trees soon lose their leaves and decorate our lawns with piles of wonderful and less exciting dead debris.  That beauty also comes at a price for our backs, necks, and shoulders as we sweep, gather, and dispose of the leaves more than once this season.  So if your home is subjected to leaves falling each year, follow these helpful tips and avoid the consequences of leaf-raking on the body, including strain and pain in the neck, the upper and lower back, and the shoulders.

Warmup – Raking is a Marathon Not a 50 Yard Dash

  • Side Yard Stretches: Stretch before you begin working in the yard. Stop and take time to stretch periodically through your garden work. Begin with knee-to-chest stretches, trunk rotations, and side bends with hands above the head, palms up and fingers weaved.  Spend 10 to 15 minutes all together on your stretching. Intersperse the work with a short walk to get the circulation going throughout the body, and do the same stretches as a cool-down once you have finished.
  • Proper Position: As you rake, stand erect with your head held up.
  • It’s All In the Stance: Use a “scissor” stance when raking; that is, keep one foot forward for a few minutes, then swap and put the back foot forwards.
  • The Bend: When bending to pick up leaves or any other trash, bend at the knees, not the waist.
  • Mowing: When mowing the lawn, put your whole body into the pushing, not just your arms and back.
  • Start Your Engine: When starting a mower with a pull cord, bend at the knees and extend up in a smooth motion.  Do not twist at the waist or yank at the cord.
  • Protection is Key: Keep well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and wear a hat in the sun.  Always wear shoes and protective glasses, and use gloves if your hands are likely to receive rough treatment that might raise blisters.  When using loud machinery, employ ear-protectors, and if you suffer from asthma or allergies, use a mask.
  • Simple Tools: Try to use ergonomically-friendly tools that help take the strain from your muscles and joints.
  • Put It On Ice: An ice-pack can be used to ease any discomfort you feel following raking or other outdoor work.

Rake in the Benefits!

Enjoy the autumn leaves but remember to follow the tips to rake in the benefits!  If your discomfort does not dissipate within two to three days please contact our expert team.

Help For Chronic Knee Pain

Knee Pain New Fairfield CT Joint Pain

Old sports injuries, general wear and tear, past accidents, do you attribute any of these to your chronic knee pain? You suffer and either have decided to live with it or are searching for solutions where knee replacement surgery is your final and reluctant option. Remember, you are not alone.  Many people like yourselves ...


Observations From A Chiropractor

Evolutions Role New Fairfield CT Back Pain
Man’s trajectory from the beginning has been to come, become, adapt, and grow.  Our evolution from even a small infant can be measured by lying to sitting, sitting to crawling, and finally crawling to standing.  With this said our species from an outside observer would now be entered as the era of de-evolution of man.  Our postures on a grand scheme are beginning to hunch and roll from an early and earlier age. But the most noted is the amount of illness, pain, and degenerative diseases that are occurring in the most technologically advanced societies.
If you are now taking the time to Google the why Stop!  You have stumbled onto one of the leading causes of the de-evolution of man’s posture.

Smart Phone?

Today, most of our communications are received through a small screen that we slouch and slump to see due to the long hours we remain in that position to inner face with the world.  We as adults down to our smallest children can now easily be found no longer interacting with the real world but living virtually.  Although we may be obtaining useful information, few people understand the true importance of maintaining good posture while collecting information and interacting with our computers.  This poor posture is accelerating our forward head posture which is not only a primary contributor to headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and back pain but is having a detrimental effect on our overall health.

The Above Down

Good posture is more than standing up straight. You have posture when you stand, walk, sit, kneel, lie down, play sport, etc. Whatever position your body gets into, there is a right way and a wrong way of doing it. The right way reduces strain on the supporting muscles and ligaments. The wrong way hurts but not necessarily with immediate pain.
The most dangerous posture change that is affecting our society of all ages today is the forward head posture.   The forward head posture change is a huge factor in your overall health because it relates to your central nervous system, which is your body’s power supply. When you have a forward head posture, your spinal cord is pulled and stretched, and this tension changes the shape of your spinal cord.
When your spine is healthy and relaxed, your spinal cord sends signals between your brain and body at approximately 275 mph.  As you decrease the natural curves of your spine and over stretch the cord, the speed of these signals traveling between your brain and body all day long is compromised.

The Power of Good Posture

Good posture does the following for you:

  • Keeps your bones and joints correctly aligned, so your muscles function properly, and your joints experience the least possible wear and tear, reducing the risk of degenerative arthritis and joint pain.
  • Reduces the stress on the ligaments that hold your spinal joints together, making injury less likely.
  • Allows your muscles to function with less effort, so you get less tired and stressed.
  • Lowers the risk of muscle strain and overuse disorders that can cause back and muscular pain.

Be aware of the common risk factors for bad posture which include obesity, stress, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, unusually tight muscles, high-heels, lack of flexibility, poor work ergonomics, and bad habits when sitting and standing.

Quick Tips To Help Master Posture

Mastering How to Sit

  • Your feet should rest on the floor. If they don’t, use a stool.
  • Crossing your legs is not advised, and keep your ankles in front of your knees.
  • Check there’s a small gap between the front of your seat and the back of your knees.
  • Keep your knees at or below the level of your hips.
  • Support your low- and mid-back, either with a backrest or back support.
  • Don’t tense the shoulders, and check that your forearms are horizontal.
  • Get up and move about regularly when stuck sitting down for long periods.

Mastering How to Stand

  • The balls of your feet should bear most of your weight.
  • Don’t lock your knees; keep them slightly bent.
  • Feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  • Let your arms hang free at your sides.
  • Stand straight and tall with shoulders pulled backward.
  • Keep your stomach tucked in.
  • Your head should be level, earlobes over your shoulders. Don’t force your head in any direction.
  • When unavoidably on your feet for a while, shift your weight from your toes to your heels, or from one foot to the other, to share the burden.

The Artistry of Lying Properly

  • A suitable mattress is imperative. Make sure you find one that is supportive and comfortable and suits your individual needs.
  • Use a pillow to maintain your spine in proper alignment.
  • Don’t sleep on your stomach.
  • Sleeping on your back is preferred with a small cushion to support your natural neck and lumbar curve. To assist with this place a small pillow under your knees.
  • Place a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side.

Permission To Use Your Smart Phone!

Call Us! Our expert team looks forward to helping our community become healthier and stronger by addressing your body as a whole unit while reducing pain and addressing processes in your health that have become a challenge.  
Make sure also to visit our website for more great health education information – Just make sure to schedule an appointment so we can help you achieve a healthier taller you!

Help For Chronic Knee Pain

Knee Pain New Fairfield CT Joint Pain

Old sports injuries, general wear and tear, past accidents, do you attribute any of these to your chronic knee pain? You suffer and either have decided to live with it or are searching for solutions where knee replacement surgery is your final and reluctant option. Remember, you are not alone.  Many people like yourselves ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center