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How To Strengthen Your Immune System

New Fairfield Immune System

There is a constant daily bombardment of different microbes that are known to make us ill. However, studies have shown that a wider exposure to these microbes as children can lower the risk of asthma and allergies in the future. Our immune system is not determined by just one thing, there are many factors that ...


Scheduling Your Spinal Exam

New Fairfield Your Spinal ExamRegular vigorous physical exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient rest are not the only factors to having a healthy body.  Although Chiropractic has been around for over one hundred years, the importance of Chiropractic care has only become more mainstream in the last few decades as pro-active health care has become more popular.  The full benefits are now more readily seen and shared as rising health costs have more than tripled and insurance no longer covers a disease processes that could have been prevented with healthier lifestyles and optimally functioning nervous system.

Each lifestyle choice contributes to the positive or negative effect of a person’s health.  In the case of regular chiropractic care, maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system should be the strong foundation in which all other choices are built.  A healthy spine helps keep your muscles and joints limber so you can maximize the benefits of your exercise.  By identifying and correcting nerve interference, regular chiropractic care helps your digestive system to efficiently metabolize the nutrients that are the fuel for your cells rebuilding process .  Chiropractic care even enables a better nights sleep by reducing unwanted pressure that is effecting your joints and causing  pain. The better mobility  and lack of inflammation allows your body to address , heal, and repair. A natural process that is to occur when you sleep.  Overall, regular chiropractic care helps your body be more at ease and helps you enjoy increased health.

Screening Exams are an Important Factor

The majority of us have undergone some type of screening exam in the last several years. Depending on your age, personal history, and family history, you may have needed to go for an annual mammogram, prostate exam, or a cardiac stress test.  If everything was fine, you have probably been instructed to follow-up next year,  in three years, or in accordance of early detection management.   If a  treatment is required, it is generally more effective and easier to accomplish in the early stages of illness. Most people are generally aware of the usefulness of periodic screening exams for chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease but are not as aware of the importance of a spinal screening.

Your spinal column is designed for two primary purposes: to provide for an extensive range of motion in three directions (forward and backward, side-to-side, and rotation) and to house and protect the spinal cord which provides the lifelines from your brain to your entire body.  Both of these functions are critical to ensuring continuous health and wellness.  A qualified Chiropractor’s expertise is to perform a chiropractic spinal screening exam, to analyzes your spine to identify localized regions of limited mobility and to detect the presence of nerve interference.

The Spinal Cord and its Importance

Pain is your bodies best way to let you know that there is a problem in your body.  The same premise holds true in regards to your spine.    If your spine is not freely movable, you will likely begin to experience neck, mid back, or low back pain. As the inflammation or bodies natural protection system increase the mobility and pain increases.  Our lifestyles are most often the attributable factor to our disease and pain processes.  Unfortunately, most people are searching for a traumatic event to connect their aches and pains to.

Your vertebrae are incredibly important for they house and protect our spinal cord which  is a direct extension of your brain. Your spinal cord connects your brain to the rest of your body through numerous pairs of spinal nerves. These spinal nerves branch out and create a complex communication network, sending signals from your brain to your body and from your body back to your brain. A mechanical problem in the spinal column can cause irritation to local spinal muscles, ligaments, and joints, which in turn can irritate spinal nerves and cause nerve interference. Nerve interference can cause disturbances in your body’s neural network, delaying nerve signals or causing information to be transmitted incorrectly or at the wrong time. Over time, symptoms develop in the affected region or regions as cells, tissues, and organs can no longer do their job effectively. Eventually, symptoms may develop into full-blown chronic diseases.

Prevention is the Best Strategyw

Spinal Compression can be a silent killer that develops over time  and can effect your entire nervous system and all of  your life processes.   A spinal screening performed by your local chiropractor is the best way of detecting underlying problems. Chiropractic care then corrects any nerve interference, helping your body perform optimally and if maintained relish long-lasting health and well-being.


Dowager’s Hump Causes and Treatments

New Fairfield Dowagers Hump Causes and Treatments

"Dowager's Hump" can affect any person who spends a lot of their time hunched over or has a severe case of osteoporosis. The professional term for Dowager’s Hump is hyperkyphosis, which is an increase in the forward curvature of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. It is a condition that can either be relatively ...


How Much Exercise Is Sufficient For A Healthy Lifestyle?

New Fairfield How Much Exercise is Sufficient

As with a routine exercise program, regular chiropractic care should be a vital part of achieving your long-term goals for health, wellness, and well-being. When you participate in a consistent vigorous exercise program, regular chiropractic care can  help us stay on track by minimizing the chances of picking up an exercise-related injury. Regular chiropractic care ...


Why Exercising Smarter is a Better Health Choice

Smart Exercise New Fairfield

Almost everyone I know loves it when they can really see the results from their hard work. Whether it's a student that studied hard to get an A, getting that long awaited promotion at work, hitting your weight loss goal on a diet, or reaching that next level with exercise we just love patting ourselves ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center