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The Ergonomic Equation In New Fairfield

New Fairfield CT Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics Simply Defined

Workplace ergonomics is the practice of designing or redesigning an area in which a person works to the specific needs and job requirements of that person. Simply defined that for an ergonomic workplace to be created, a proper assessment of the environment must first of all take place so that appropriate changes can be made on the basis of accepted ergonomic principles. The aim is to create a safer and more productive working environment for the employees.  It not only creates healthier more productive employees but saves corporations in millions in lost productivity due to illness and injury.

The Three Most Important Basic Ergonomic Principles:

  • The stress of any lifting should be taken by the largest muscles to protect the smaller and more vulnerable ones.
  • When working, the employee should be able to move comfortably between various correct postures so they do not over-stress one particular part of the body for an extended period. Muscles become fatigued when kept tense for too long, especially if that one posture is poor.
  • Joints should move through no more than 50% of their range when performing activities, and preferably be kept in a neutral position. Joints that are overextended can become damaged and susceptible to repetitive stress/strain injuries.

Tips for a Seated Desk Career:

  • The height of the desk should be suited to your frame, and everything you need should be within easy reach.
  • Your feet should be able to touch the floor, and the angle between your torso and thighs should be 90 to 110 degrees.
  • Keep your body straight, head and neck upright, and keep your task directly in front of you. Don’t hunch or slouch.
  • The top of your computer monitor should be at your eye level. Your head should be in a neutral position, otherwise any leaning forward can cause pain in the neck and head.
  • Your wrists should be straight when typing, and your shoulders and forearms parallel to the floor.
  • Anything you read at your desk should be at the same level as though you were reading it on your monitor. Use a book stand or a paper holder.
  • Use a headset when talking on the telephone – certainly if you are doing so for long periods. Never use your shoulder to cradle the phone against your ear. This will lead to headaches and neck pain.
  • Every 20 or 30 minutes, get up and stretch.  It will help you re-energize and re-focus.
  • Frequently stretch out your neck, arms, wrists, back, and legs while working. Try neck rotations, fist clenches, arm dangles, and shoulder shrugs.
  • Don’t stare at one thing for too long. If your eyes do not frequently shift focus, they will become strained and tired. Take a few seconds to look from objects that are nearby to objects that are farther away.

Mastering the Mouse:

Use your arm and shoulder to move the mouse, not just your wrist. Hold the mouse loosely and keep your wrist straight and relaxed. The edge of your desk is not the best place to rest your wrist; instead, use a gel rest incorporated into the mouse mat. Take regular breaks during each hour to flex your wrists, and to move your arms and shoulders.

Tips for Safe Lifting:

When lifting anything off the floor, bend at the knees, not at the waist. Keep your head up, your neck and back straight, and use your leg muscles to power up to standing. Bending forward at the waist to lift brings your low-back muscles into it, and these can be easily pulled. Keep your elbows flexed and hold the object close in to your body to further minimize back strain.

Mastering Your Health

Chiropractors specialize in the mechanics of the body and the impact of poor posture and repetitive activities has on your overall health.  If you would like to know more on how to apply correct ergonomics into your work place or environment, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Human Factors in the Ergonomic Equation

New Fairfield Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics Simply Defined

Workplace ergonomics is the practice of designing or redesigning an area in which a person works to the specific needs and job requirements of that person. Simply defined that for an ergonomic workplace to be created, a proper assessment of the environment must first of all take place so that appropriate changes can be made on the basis of accepted ergonomic principles. The aim is to create a safer and more productive working environment for the employees.  It not only creates healthier more productive employees but saves corporations in millions in lost productivity due to illness and injury.

The Three Most Important Basic Ergonomic Principles:

  • The stress of any lifting should be taken by the largest muscles to protect the smaller and more vulnerable ones.
  • When working, the employee should be able to move comfortably between various correct postures so they do not over-stress one particular part of the body for an extended period. Muscles become fatigued when kept tense for too long, especially if that one posture is poor.
  • Joints should move through no more than 50% of their range when performing activities, and preferably be kept in a neutral position. Joints that are overextended can become damaged and susceptible to repetitive stress/strain injuries.

Tips for a Seated Desk Career:

  • The height of the desk should be suited to your frame, and everything you need should be within easy reach.
  • Your feet should be able to touch the floor, and the angle between your torso and thighs should be 90 to 110 degrees.
  • Keep your body straight, head and neck upright, and keep your task directly in front of you. Don’t hunch or slouch.
  • The top of your computer monitor should be at your eye level. Your head should be in a neutral position, otherwise any leaning forward can cause pain in the neck and head.
  • Your wrists should be straight when typing, and your shoulders and forearms parallel to the floor.
  • Anything you read at your desk should be at the same level as though you were reading it on your monitor. Use a book stand or a paper holder.
  • Use a headset when talking on the telephone – certainly if you are doing so for long periods. Never use your shoulder to cradle the phone against your ear. This will lead to headaches and neck pain.
  • Every 20 or 30 minutes, get up and stretch.  It will help you re-energize and re-focus.
  • Frequently stretch out your neck, arms, wrists, back, and legs while working. Try neck rotations, fist clenches, arm dangles, and shoulder shrugs.
  • Don’t stare at one thing for too long. If your eyes do not frequently shift focus, they will become strained and tired. Take a few seconds to look from objects that are nearby to objects that are farther away.

Mastering the Mouse:

Use your arm and shoulder to move the mouse, not just your wrist. Hold the mouse loosely and keep your wrist straight and relaxed. The edge of your desk is not the best place to rest your wrist; instead, use a gel rest incorporated into the mouse mat. Take regular breaks during each hour to flex your wrists, and to move your arms and shoulders.

Tips for Safe Lifting:

When lifting anything off the floor, bend at the knees, not at the waist. Keep your head up, your neck and back straight, and use your leg muscles to power up to standing. Bending forward at the waist to lift brings your low-back muscles into it, and these can be easily pulled. Keep your elbows flexed and hold the object close in to your body to further minimize back strain.

Mastering Your Health

Chiropractors specialize in the mechanics of the body and the impact of poor posture and repetitive activities has on your overall health.  If you would like to know more on how to apply correct ergonomics into your work place or environment, please contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

Don’t Ignore The Warning Lights!

Pain Warning Lights New Fairfield CT

Ready For Pain Relief in New Fairfield?

Chronic Pain Solutions New Fairfield CT Low Back Pain
Are you in constant pain? Do you carefully balance between managing your pain vs. giving up and crying?  Is it just too much?” If you can relate or watch someone you love suffer needlessly, read on for insightful information to help you understand and choose the best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain and other musculoskeletal conditions.

When Is It Not A 911?

No one wants to worry constantly.  We certainly don’t want to visit our chiropractor or family doctor for every ache and pain.  But eventually we all experience physical problems, and it may be difficult to know how to solve them.   Some problems are immediate and serious.  For instance, if you suddenly experience crushing chest pain and radiating pain down your left arm, possibly with nausea, profuse perspiration, and a feeling of impending doom, you know you have to call “911” immediately. Also, if you awaken in the middle of the night with an intense, deep, sharp pain in your lower right abdomen, accompanied by vomiting and a fever, you also know that you need to go to the Emergency Room right away.  In these exceptional cases, most people know which steps to take.  But what should you do when your pain is not clear-cut and dramatic, as it is in a heart attack or acute appendicitis?

Overall, pain is a warning sign, but many problems that cause pain can resolve on their own.  For example, you may twist an ankle on your daily walk.  It may hurt to put weight on that ankle and there may even be a bit of swelling but within two days your ankle is much better.  There was initial pain attributing to a soft tissue injury, possibly involving muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments; however, the injury was not so severe that your body’s ability to self-heal could not manage the situation.  In the case of a higher degree of initial pain and more swelling, or if an improvement were not obtained within 48 hours, a visit to your chiropractor would be appropriate.  

In borderline situations involving musculoskeletal pain, for instance back, neck, shoulder, or knee pain,  your intuition and level of pain tolerance will be the deciding factor on when to seek professional assistance.  But better to err on the side of caution and not lose the quality of life you desire by living and masking the pain.

Time To Ask The Expert

When you suffer with debilitating neck and back pain you should consider an evaluation first by a qualified chiropractor.   The majority of these spinal complaints are caused by irritation and inflammation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that not only help create the structure of the spinal column but provide for the full mobility of the spinal vertebrae.  By locating regions of your spine where mobility is decreased, your chiropractor is able identify the areas that are in need of treatment. The treatment includes not only restoring mobility to the spinal joints but the reduction of pressure and irritation on spinal nerves.  By reducing the irritation and inflammation of the spinal soft tissues, the pain will reduce along with the adverse effects to the normal function of the spinal nerves.  
The result of non-treatment for spinal nerve compression may include a wide range of other health problems.  By addressing the source of many of these issues with chiropractic care, physical rehabilitation, and other recommendations based on an individual basis will help eliminate your neck and back pain and help contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Ready to Help!

Are you or a loved one suffering from so much pain that it is left you in a state of pain paralysis?  Are the action steps to relieve the pain just too difficult for you to make? Do you feel like you have tried everything and are just too drained from the pain to make a clear decision?

If so, let us help you make an informed solution based decision. Our expert team is ready and waiting to help you begin to take the steps towards your next best day – pain free!

Work Smarter With Ergonomics

Work Ergonomics New Fairfield CT

Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center