Posts Tagged ‘HydroMassage New Fairfield CT’
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The Benefits Of A HydroMassage
HydroMassage is becoming a more and more popular alternative to regular massage. Through the use of hot pressurized water, it can target specific areas of the body. The use of this hot water is to relax the muscles and allow for a deeper massage.
The use of HydroMassage therapies dates back to Roman times, where people would go to the local roman baths. The technology nowadays allows you to enjoy the benefits of a HydroMassage without fully immersing yourself in water, you can receive a HydroMassage whilst fully clothed!
No Disrobing Or Messy Oils Involved!
Some chiropractors use a modern HydroMassage water massage bed in their practice. This is a hands-off form of massage that is received while fully clothed. You lie on top of the HydroMassage bed and use the attached touchscreen to choose the program you want, much as you would in a Jacuzzi. However, the options for the HydroMassage bed are much greater. It begins by sending a powerful wave of warm water down the length of your body. The touchscreen allows you to program the pressure and location of the waves for a fully customizable massage.
A HydroMassage session usually lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. One of the main benefits of HydroMassage is that it doesn’t involve disrobing or the use of any messy oils. You control the speed and intensity of the massage and can program it to target wherever you feel it is needed most. The touchscreen also allows you to do other things while receiving your massage, such as listen to music, watch a movie, read a book or surf the internet.
Some of the health benefits you may enjoy from having a HydroMassage include the following:
- Increased range of motion
- Increased joint flexibility
- Increased circulation
- Lower blood pressure
- Tension headache relief
- Better quality sleep
- Increased oxygen absorption
- Relief from pain associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis, pregnancy, tendonitis, and other conditions
- Faster recovery from athletic workouts
- Reduced stress and increased sense of wellbeing
HydroMassage beds are becoming increasingly popular and are sometimes used as a supplement or an alternative to traditional massage therapies. They are an easy way to enjoy a massage and it won’t take too much time out of your day. Give HydroMassage therapy a try and see what the benefits can do for you and your body.