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Garbage Pail Kids – Our Future Generation

Children New Fairfield CT Heart Health
Amazing how a fad from the 80’s was a future predictor of our generation of children and young adults and now adult health.  This fad originated from sticker cards that were later brought to life on the big and small screen.  Each character featured a Garbage Pail Kid having some comical abnormality, deformity and/or suffering a terrible fate, with a humorous, word play-rich character name such as Adam Bomb. Unfortunately the disease and deformity’s described such as glandular disease, heart disease, obesity, etc. that were touched upon are a major health concern in our young adults today.  As we are celebrating heart health month, let us touch upon heart disease in our children.

Not Just for Adults

Many people associate heart disease with older people. However, more and more children are becoming victims of heart disease. Although heart disease is relatively uncommon among children, an increase in child obesity has caused levels to be higher than ever before, and this has caused an uptick in factors that lead to heart disease.

A Few Alarming  Statistics:

  • 25% of adolescents have two or more heart disease risk factors
  • 20% of adolescents have borderline or high blood pressure
  • 25% of adolescents either have or are close to having Type 2 diabetes
  • 33% of adolescents are overweight or obese

These statistics are alarming for they are growing increasing higher each year.

An Investigative Study

A new study published in the journal Pediatrics has found a simple way to measure a child’s cardiovascular health.  The study was based on 900 children and young adults and was performed by researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The study was founded on calculating the ratio of triglycerides to HDL (the “good” cholesterol) in one’s body.  The doctors then could determine the likelihood of a child having damaged or stiffened arteries in the future.  Simply, triglycerides are an indicator of how much fat and sugar are in the bloodstream.  High triglycerides and low HDL are indicators of a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, and previous studies have shown a link between these and stiffening of the arteries in adults.  The concluded that the consumption of sugar is one of the major contributors to the high levels of triglycerides. As a measure to reverse and prevent the frightful outcomes, experts are stressing the importance of  encouraging parents to  instill healthy habits in their children at an early age.  One step such step is encouraging parents to curb kids’ intake of sweet beverages such as soda and juice, both of which are extremely high in sugar.  Another is to allow children to make choices among healthy options. The freedom of choice is a tremendous opportunity to build a healthy home environment while promoting a kind of self-efficacy and equips children to do better.  The over all benefit is that it is a Win-Win for the entire family and their health.

How We Can Help!

Chiropractic care addresses the whole body and is dedicated to your health needs and overall well being.  Our expert team not only focuses on restoration of healthcare challenges but helps build your body stronger and healthier through proper instruction on nutrition, exercises, and spinal health.  Let us help you create the next revolution – the healthiest family on the planet.  Call today to learn more!

Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center