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Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractors New Fairfield CT’

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We look forward to serving you! Call - 203-746-6543.

Suffering From Pinched Nerves?

Sciatica New Fairfield CT Pinched Nerve

Are you suffering from pinched nerves? It is possible for a “Pinched” nerve to happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles, and internal organs, and can affect your general health, posture, energy level, resistance to disease – even your emotional ...


Are You In Pain Solution Paralysis?

Chronic Pain Solutions New Fairfield CT Low Back Pain

Do you suffer in pain? Do you very carefully balance between managing pain versus giving up and crying, "It is just too much?"  If this is you, read on for helpful information to better help you understand and choose the from best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain, and other ...


Help For Chronic Knee Pain

Knee Pain New Fairfield CT Joint Pain
Old sports injuries, general wear and tear, past accidents, do you attribute any of these to your chronic knee pain? You suffer and either have decided to live with it or are searching for solutions where knee replacement surgery is your final and reluctant option.

Remember, you are not alone.  Many people like yourselves are relentlessly searching their knee pain condition online to find nonsurgical solutions.
We are glad you searched and found us. Please take a moment to read about chronic knee conditions and a solution we may have for you.

Understanding the Causes of Knee Pain

First, we must understand that there are a variety of causes for the knee pain inclusive of injury, overuse, or underlying conditions like arthritis. For the best proper treatment, the cause of the pain needs to be determined before any treatments can be offered as the root cause determine the best way to first help with the stiffness and inflammation.

A Proper Diagnosis

It is crucial that the cause of the pain be diagnosed to offer the best treatment. Here are some common diagnoses:

  • Arthritis – Generally tends to be the most widespread cause of knee pain and there is a selection of treatments on offer.
  • Ligament Injuries – These can be caused or exacerbated during sports or athletic activities leading to discomfort and instability.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury
  • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
  • Cartilage Injuries | Meniscal Tear – This is a common knee pain cause in young and old.
  • Patellar Tendonitis – Tendonitis around the joint is most commonly of the patellar tendon, the large tendon over the front of the knee.
  • Chondromalacia Patella – Chondromalacia is a softening of the cartilage which leads to under the kneecap, this is common among the 15-35-year-old age group.
  • Dislocating Kneecap – This causes acute symptoms during the dislocation, but can also lead to chronic knee pain.
  • Baker’s Cyst – This is a swelling in the rear of the joint, and is usually a sign of another underlying problem such as a meniscus tear.
  • Bursitis – The most common bursa affected around the joint is that just above the kneecap, commonly this is found in people that kneel during their work.
  • Plica Syndrome – This is an uncommon cause of knee pain and can be tricky to diagnose. Diagnosis is usually made at the time of an arthroscopy.
  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease – This is a condition seen in adolescents and is due to irritation of the growth plate just at the front of the joint.
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans – (OCD) is another condition seen in adolescents due to the growth of the bone around the joint.
  • Gout – This is not a common cause for knee pain, but patients with a history of this condition may find it is the cause of knee pain.

We Are Ready To Help You With Your Knee Pain!

If you are ready to step back into the activities you have been avoiding due to your chronic knee pain, take the first pain-free step of scheduling a consultation with our office.  Our team will run preform examinations to help find the cause of your discomfort and offer options for getting you back into life without knee pain!

A Facebook Repost – Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease New Fairfield CT Health Improvement

A year later and our Facebook homepage posts are still filled with heartache by friends and family who are experiencing illnesses and life changing disabilities due to chronic disease. Our instantaneous world connection delivers not only the triumphs but the shares of how chronic disease has now touched more of our lives worldwide than ever before.  

A Known Threat

This threat of chronic diseases is no longer a threat but now declared by the World Health Organization as the number one killer on the planet.  Chronic disease is now the cause of over sixty percent of deaths worldwide which is up 10% from last year alone. 

Alarming Facts By the World Health Organization:

  • Chronic diseases are now the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.
  • Noncommunicable conditions, including cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, obesity, cancer and respiratory diseases, now account for 59% of the 57 million deaths annually and 46% of the global burden of disease.
  • High-risk factors – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and alcohol – cause the majority of the chronic disease burden.
  • A change in dietary habits, physical activity, and tobacco control, have a significant impact on reducing the rates of these chronic diseases, often in a relatively short time.
  • Heart attacks and strokes kill about 12 million people every year; another 3.9 million die from hypertensive and other heart conditions.
  • More than one billion adults worldwide are overweight; at least 300 million of them are clinically obese.
  • About 75% of CVD can be attributed to the majority risks: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low fruit and vegetable intake, inactive lifestyle and tobacco.
  • Sustained behavioral interventions have been shown to be effective in reducing population risk factors.

Welcome To Another 21st Century Lifestyle Choice

Chronic diseases include things like heart disease and strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia, and many others.  These diseases are widely understood to be the result of our modern lifestyle choices.  Over the past several decades, research has shown that these chronic illnesses are preventable in large part if we learn to make different choices.  In other words, if we live differently.

Unfortunately, today people worldwide are consuming more foods that are energy-dense – high in sugar and/or saturated fats – or excessively salty.  This nutritional shift to fast and processed foods in combination with our sedentary behavior is occurring at an alarming rate.

Predictions for the future are that this chronic illness crisis, as bad as it is today, will get much worse.  Cancer rates have been predicted to go up by 50% by the year 2020 and one in three children born in the USA today will develop diabetes.  As other research continues, it only highlights more that our toxic modern lifestyle is the cause.

Still the Best Cure is Prevention

As you know, prevention is the best cure.  With today’s knowledge of identifying the cause, our expert team is here to help you change and build for a healthier future.  We want to help you create a better lifestyle which includes what you think, what you eat, and how you use your body.

If you are currently suffering from a chronic disease, please do not hesitate to call us.  We are here to help and look forward to posting your new lease on life success story!  SHARE!!

The Pinched Nerve of Christmas Past

Pinched Nerve New Fairfield CT Pain Relief

Tis the season to be jolly, but if you suffer from pain, you just may feel like the Scrooge. The Pinch of the Pain Do you have sharp, intense pain that radiates down your arm or leg? Do you experience pins and needles or burning sensation? Or are your hands or feet a different temperature? If so, it ...


Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center