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by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Nov 30, 2021 | Health Articles

Are you suffering from pinched nerves? It is possible for a “Pinched” nerve to happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles, and internal organs, and can affect your general health, posture, energy level, resistance to disease – even your emotional ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Oct 12, 2021 | Health Articles

Do you suffer in pain? Do you very carefully balance between managing pain versus giving up and crying, “It is just too much?” If this is you, read on for helpful information to better help you understand and choose the from best pain solution options from the experts in treatments of headaches, back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions.
Different Pain Protocols
No one wants to worry constantly. We certainly do not want to visit our chiropractor or family doctor for every ache and pain, but eventually, we all experience physical health challenges that may be difficult to solve without expert advice.
Deciphering the 911
Some health crises are immediate and serious. For instance, if you suddenly experience crushing chest pain with radiating pain down your left arm, possibly with nausea, profuse perspiration, and a feeling of impending doom, you know you have to call “911” immediately. If you awaken in the middle of the night with an intense, deep, sharp pain in your lower right abdomen, accompanied by vomiting and a fever, you also know that you need to go to the Emergency Room right away. In these exceptional cases, most people know which steps to take.
Now, what about the pain that does not categorize as a “code red”?
Nonurgent Urgent Care
Overall, pain is a warning sign, but many problems that cause pain can resolve on their own. For example, you may twist an ankle on your daily walk. It may hurt to put weight on that ankle, and there may even be a bit of swelling, but within two days your ankle is much better. There was initial pain attributing to a soft tissue injury, possibly involving muscles, tendons, or ligaments; however, the injury was not so severe that your body’s ability to self-heal could not manage the situation. In the case of a greater degree of initial pain, more swelling, or if improvement were not obtained within 48 hours, a visit to your chiropractor would be appropriate.
In borderline situations involving musculoskeletal pain, for instance back, neck, shoulder, or knee pain, your intuition, and level of pain tolerance will be the deciding factor on when to seek professional assistance. But better to err on the side of caution and not lose the quality of life you desire by living and masking the pain with anti-inflammatories.
Pain Relief Versus Pain Solution
When you suffer from debilitating neck and back pain, you should consider an evaluation first by a qualified chiropractor. The majority of these spinal complaints are caused by irritation and inflammation of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that not only help create the structure of the spinal column but provide for the full mobility of the spinal vertebrae. By locating regions of your spine with decreased mobility, a chiropractor can identify the areas that are in need of treatment. The treatment includes not only restoring mobility to the spinal joints but the reduction of pressure and irritation on spinal nerves. By reducing the irritation and inflammation of the spinal soft tissues, the pain will reduce along with the adverse effects to the normal function of the spinal nerves. The result of non-treatment for spinal nerve compression may include a wide range of other health problems. By addressing the source of many of these problems, chiropractic care and rehabilitation, which may include physical rehabilitation and exercises, spinal decompression, or other non-surgical modalities will help eliminate your neck and back pain and help contribute to your overall health and well-being.
Let Us Start With Good Action Steps
If you or a loved one are suffering in pain and you feel like you have tried everything or are just too tired from the pain to make a clear decision, let us help you make an informed and solution based decision. Our expert team is ready and waiting to help you begin to take the steps towards your next best day – pain-free!
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Sep 21, 2021 | Health Articles

Old sports injuries, general wear and tear, past accidents, do you attribute any of these to your chronic knee pain? You suffer and either have decided to live with it or are searching for solutions where knee replacement surgery is your final and reluctant option.
Remember, you are not alone. Many people like yourselves ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Jul 13, 2021 | Health Articles

A year later and our Facebook homepage posts are still filled with heartache by friends and family who are experiencing illnesses and life changing disabilities due to chronic disease. Our instantaneous world connection delivers not only the triumphs but the shares of how chronic disease has now touched more of our lives worldwide than ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Dec 17, 2020 | Health Articles
Tis the season to be jolly, but if you suffer from pain, you just may feel like the Scrooge.
The Pinch of the Pain
Do you have sharp, intense pain that radiates down your arm or leg? Do you experience pins and needles or burning sensation? Or are your hands or feet a different temperature?
If so, it is no wonder that you are you feeling like the Scrooge. When you live with these painful symptoms for a long time and mask them with pain medication or just learned to live with them, you become quite a different person.
The Central Bank of Nerve Roots
There are billions of nerve fibers in your body, often arranged in bundles called nerves. Many billions of them travel inside the spinal column as part of the spinal cord and exit through openings between the vertebrae. After leaving the spinal column, the nerves separate into smaller and smaller bundles and travel to every nook and cranny in your body.
The pinching of a nerve can happen anywhere in your spine. When the nerves are pinched or compressed roots, they affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles and internal organs, and can affect your general health, posture, energy level, resistance to disease – even your emotional health.
The Vision of Life Without Nerves
Without nerves, you couldn’t see, hear, touch, taste or smell. You also wouldn’t be able to feel hot, cold, pain or pleasure. Your body would be the ultimate sensory deprivation tank; you’d be completely cut off from existence. Without nerves, you are completely paralyzed – no muscles could move. Your body wouldn’t be able to respond to any of your commands, and you’d be a prisoner within yourself.
Most importantly, nerves regulate your breathing, sweating, shivering, internal organ function, heartbeat, digestion, excretion, blood supply to different organs and blood pressure.
How Do I “Pinch” A Nerve?
When the nerves come down from the brain, they travel through a bony canal formed by vertebrae. If the vertebrae are misaligned slightly, they may cause the nerves to be irritated, compressed or stretched. Nerves transmit electrical impulses and chemical nutrients, which are necessary for muscle health.
What can cause nerve pinching or impingement? A fall or an accident, even a very mild one that happened years ago, may be enough to misalign your spine. Some common causes are unnatural sleeping positions, bad posture, fatigue, dental work, a difficult birth, emotional stress, poor nutrition or a combination of stresses.
The Dis-Ease of Pinched Nerves
When the nerves are compressed, their impulses are altered and can affect the entire body. A dis-ease, a general weakening of your body, sets the stage for diseases of all kinds.
Chiropractors have observed many physical and emotional conditions of due to abnormal function of the nervous system. Some of these include ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, lung conditions such as asthma, fevers, headaches, seizures, allergies, bed-wetting, colds, hearing, vision and a host of other problems.
When the spinal column is misaligned, the entire skeletal system becomes thrown off balance, which can cause fatigue and exhaustion (common early signs of spinal problems).
Understanding the Pain of Pinched Nerves
Most people with pinched nerves are not in pain. People who suffer from painful pinched nerves might be considered the lucky ones – they know they have a problem in their spine and they (hopefully) will get themselves checked by a chiropractor.
But what about the people without pain? Less than 10% of the nerve system can feel pain, so you don’t always know if there’s a problem.
Our Sleigh of Solutions
Our expert team specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of “pinched” and trapped nerves. So before this holiday season passes you by schedule to visit our team and let us help you leave your pinched nerve pain in Christmas past.