Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractor New Fairfield CT’

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Holiday Stress Headaches Now?

Migraine New Fairfield CT Stress

Enter any store and mall, and there are already signs of the upcoming seasonal holidays. However, this season's good cheer does not need to include tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, stress headaches, and a weakened immune system too. Let's face it the combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing ...


Tips For Faster Injury Recovery

Back Pain New Fairfield CT Sciatica
Are you sitting or standing on the bench due to an injury? For most athletes and health enthusiasts, recovering from an injury can be a workout in itself. For a serious athlete, being told that you have to reduce or halt activity altogether to let a bone or muscle heal is equivalent to torture. However, there are a few things you can do to help speed the healing process so you can heal like a pro and get back to your athletic activities as soon as possible.

Understanding The Difference In Pain Relief Options

When cells are damaged in a fracture, large amounts of prostaglandins are released. Prostaglandins are a group of lipids made at sites of tissue damage or infection that are involved in dealing with injury and illness. They control processes such as inflammation, blood flow, the formation of blood clots and the induction of labor.   Although this is what causes you to feel the pain, the production of these lipids is also instrumental in the early stages of tissue repair.

Here is the catch.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to alleviate pain and stop the action of prostaglandins, but the prostaglandins are quintessential to the healing process.   The best suggestion would be to stop taking the NSAIDs as soon as possible after suffering a broken bone.  Alternatively, you could take non-NSAID pain medication such as acetaminophen for pain relief, for it does not have the same effect on prostaglandins.

Another Reason To Stop Smoking/Vaping

It is scientifically proven that the broken bones of people who smoke take longer to heal. The smoke reduces blood flow, therefore, reduces the number of nutrients and oxygen traveling to the injury site. The chemicals released into the blood from smoking damages the cells that form bone. This process and significantly decrease healing time or prevent complete healing altogether.

Your New Besties – Calcium, Magnesium, & Vitamins D and K

These vitamins and minerals are all integral to healthy bone growth. We have all heard about how important calcium is in the diet, but if you take a lot of calcium without accompanying it with magnesium and vitamins D and K, much of that calcium will not be absorbed by your bones. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard are among the best sources of not only calcium but magnesium and vitamin K as well. If you live in a sunny climate, you can get a good supply of vitamin D by sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day with arms and legs exposed and using no sunblock. For those who live in less sun-drenched locations (and those of us waiting out the winter months), you can get vitamin D from fortified milk products, or you can take a vitamin D supplement.

Sideline the Coffee and Sodas

Caffeine and sugar both increase the excretion of calcium from the bones by 25-50 percent. So try to avoid the comfort foods!

Just become a Lean, Mean, Protein Consuming Machine!

Top Sport Performance Tips

Sports Rehabilitation New Fairfield CT Athletic Performance
Almost everyone knows the symbolic goal of Mount Midoriyama. The pinnacle test which American Ninja warrior contestants will train year round to reach and push their bodies to the edge of better, stronger, and faster. Whether we are active participants or avid watchers, we witness the incredible strides in the performance that our bodies continue to make when the right elements, techniques, and training are applied.

The miraculous nature of our sports performance techniques is not only building strength to strength but maximizing the small or large repair cycle of the human frame to continue to create a top athlete.

Research on the Secrets of Sports Performance

We long to discover and duplicate the secret recipe of a top athlete. We avidly search to find a person or team who can help you build a better stronger body while increasing performance but know the secret to rehabilitate an injured area and rejuvenate the area to better and stronger than before.

A research project published in the September 2005 edition of The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed that spinal dysfunction affects reaction times and performance. It was merely able to prove that spinal dysfunction is related to slower and less accurate reaction times and cognitive function.

Another double-blind, randomized, study was also performed on thirty volunteers who had presented with what the researchers called “cervical spinal joint dysfunction.”  This study consisted of a range of computer-based tasks performed by the volunteers to determine various reaction times. Researchers at the New Zealand Chiropractic College examined the volunteers to assess areas of spinal dysfunction.  A baseline note was made on each subject indicating the number of regions of spinal dysfunctions they had. The reaction times of the volunteers were then compared to their number of areas of spinal dysfunctions to see if there was any relationship.

The results showed that there was a connection between the number of areas of spinal dysfunction and certain types of reaction times.  Researchers also noted that the variety of reaction times affected by multiple areas of spinal dysfunction were therefore related to impaired cortical processing and significantly less accurate response selection. They found that the more areas of spinal dysfunction, the more it affected reaction times.

Finally, a follow-on study by the researchers concluded that certain types of reactions times improved with spinal adjustments in regions of spinal dysfunctions.  The ramifications of this study not only supported the effects of chiropractic adjustments on general health but offer the basis of training and rehabilitation benefits to top athletes.

Top Notch Sports Medicine Top Team Tips:

In addition to adding chiropractic and spinal rehabilitative care, top healthcare experts recommend following the tips below to ensure you are well-prepared to play full-out in any sport:

Proper Nutrition

  • Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid skipping meals.
  • Follow dietary rules that are imposed on participants of certain sports, without which optimum performance is unlikely.
  • Maintain a healthy weight while in training.  Be aware of calorie intake to burn ratio.

Proper Hydration

  • Hydration is vital to optimal fitness.
  • Drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day.
  • Ask for advice when considering using a good quality sports drink for a source of replenishment.

Stretching and Warm ups

  • Before every event – competition or practice – Warm Up!
  • Jogging, jumping rope, lifting light weights are all good ways to avoid torn or ripped muscles.

Nutritional Boost

  • Multi-vitamins may help avoid a deficiency.
  • B-complex vitamins and amino acids can help reduce pain after contact sports.
  • Thiamine helps promote healing.
  • Vitamin A is good for scar tissue.

Proper Rest

  • Get eight hours of sleep a night to avoid adversely affecting performance.
  • Fatigue can appear as irritability and a loss of interest in the sport.

 Join Our Team!

As many of the top athletes know, being in the top 1% includes having regular chiropractic care.  Having their bodies in optimal health and alignment allows them to achieve optimal results.

Our expert team was designed with that premise in mind.  To play like a pro, you must train, heal, and recover like a pro for maximized potential and ultimate success.

Fast Track Your Immune System

Immune System New Fairfield CT Wellness
The engine of the autumn season is now officially in overdrive.  As the rushing to school, sports events or other important functions are on the fast track so may the attack on you and your family’s immune systems.  So this month let us all commit to making ourselves a little healthier by choosing one or more of these healthy habits to practice regularly for a victoriously healthy season.

Create a Great Game Plan:

  • Goal for at least seven hours of sleep each night – Better sleep means a healthier immune system. Remember our brain and body recover from the day’s stresses while we sleep.
  • Get Adjusted — Have you and your family’s spine, and nervous system checked? In the fall season goal to have your spine and nervous system checked each week because your central nervous system runs your immune system. Chiropractic kids are freakishly healthy — This is just one great reason why!
  • Avoid Sugar and Snacks – Aim to lower the intake of sugary, salty or fried foods, or foods with pesticides or preservatives in them.  Although you may not be able to entirely avoid those foods, limit foods rich in those ingredients where you can.  Steer your family towards fruit and vegetables instead.  Need a fast fun suggestion? How about a fabulous power smoothie!
  • Reduce Dairy — Try using almond or rice milk instead. Take any child with asthma or ear infections off of dairy, and they improve – just about every time.  Add in some adjustments, and the healing is even faster.
  • Exercise Regularly — Make sure you and your kids exercise each day. Even better, do a small workout in the morning before school together that is fun.  It immediately cuts down on whiny morning behavior and best of all It also gets their lymphatic systems moving which makes for healthier kids.
  • Avoid Medications and Let Fevers Ride. When children do get colds, do not immediately lower their fevers.  Comfort, cuddle them, and monitor them closely while they have the fever, but try not to lower the fever.  A fever is the body’s way of combating the “bugs” and learning how to protect itself in the future from the unwanted invaders.  Far too commonly we see that family’s that use fever-reducing drugs often seem to have colds that last for a week or longer.
  • Eat Breakfast Every Morning – that’s why they call it “breaking the fast,” so get your day started with a healthy meal.

Questions?  Just ask one of our Wellness Team Leaders what he or she suggests, and travel the shortest distance to good health this fall!

Ready To Fast Track Your Immune System This Fall?

Our Expert Team is ready, willing, and able to help you!  Please ask one of our team members all of your important questions so that we can ensure that you can have prepared your immune system for the strongest fall season yet!

Rake In the Benefits of No Back Pain

Back Pain Relief New Fairfield CT

Autumn season is upon us!  Our senses come alive as many of us are beginning to enjoy the sight of the beautiful and majestic colors displayed on our trees, the touch of coolness in the air, and the smell of bonfires. We know the beauty is short-lived for the beautiful trees soon lose their leaves ...


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