Make it Easy as Pie When Choosing Your Bike
by Dr. Brandon Chorney
Read Make it Easy as Pie When Choosing Your Bike by Dr. Brandon Chorney to learn more about Chiropractic Life and Wellness Center and our Chiropractic office in New Fairfield, CT.
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However you choose to ride around on two wheels: on-road, off-road, for fun or competitively - the bike you choose to do it has to be fit not just to those needs, but also to your body. You wouldn’t enter a Tour de France on a Big Wheel, and neither should you ignore the finer ...
by Dr. Brandon Chorney | Jun 7, 2012 | Health Articles |
Tags: Fitness New Fairfield, New Fairfield CT Chiropractors, New Fairfield Exercise, New Fairfield Wellness
For Your Health,
Dr. Brandon Chorney