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Understanding the Connection of Digestive Disorders

Digestive Disorders New Fairfield CT Chiropractor

It always comes at the most inopportune times, but at one time or another, we have all experienced the discomfort of bloating abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea or constipation.  Unfortunately, for many people, this has become a daily occurrence.  Traditionally, triggers have thought to have been anything from stress, eating certain foods, stomach or bowel infections.  In an attempt to solve digestive distress many have focused on these symptoms as the cause while others simply have masked the problem with antacids.

So if you have a bulk supply of antacids or going out with friends is problematic, read on for chiropractic care may hold a natural solution to your daily digestion distress.

Understanding The Connection

Our bodies’ processes were designed to function all with well-balanced cycles.  For example, if you eat three meals a day, then ideally you should be having 2-3 bowel movements a day. Anything less than that means that the waste that your body is trying to remove is sitting in your body for longer than it should. This may result in many health issues including toxicity, poor skin, poor digestion, body pain, bad breath or body odor and much more.

At each level of your spine, nerves feed organs, glands and tissues vital messages from the brain. What has been found to be common with people who have digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, IBS and Crohns is that often the low back is compromised. Meaning a misalignment in the spine is present in the low back, which can affect the brain’s communication with the organs, glands, and tissues in the lower part of the body.  The pressure on the nervous system that results from chronic undetected spinal misalignments can have significant effects on digestion and the absorption of nutrients and liquids.

Help for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease and its prevalence is increasing in western societies.  The symptoms are most commonly diarrhea and stomach pain, but weight loss and irritability are also characteristic of the disease.  Up until now, the typical treatment for Crohn’s has been with various drugs such as antihistamines, antibiotics, immunosuppressants and artificial hormones.  Unfortunately for many, these drugs are considered unsatisfactory and there is a long list of side effects that go along with these drugs.  Many sufferers often require reoccurring hospitalization and even surgery.

Good news is here!  In recent studies on “Chronic Nerve Compression,” spinal misalignments played a significant role in the full remission of Crohn’s Disease and other digestive problems.

Chiropractic Can Help

The road to health is the discovery that there is an alternative to conventional and sometimes dangerous laxatives and medical methods of attempting to improve bowel function. In the recovery to better health, you should not only make a change in diet and nutrition, but also improve the health and the state of your spine and nervous system.

If you have friends or loved ones suffering from digestive problems make an appointment with our expert health team today. Discover how maintaining a healthy spine could be the ultimate repair to your unwanted digestive problems.

Call Today To Learn More!

Rotator Cuff Syndrome in New Fairfield

Shoulder Pain New Fairfield CT Rotator Cuff Syndrome

The rotator cuff is the most important group of muscles giving the shoulder support and stability. This structural support allows the shoulder joint to move and turn through a wide range of motions and allows us to perform an amazing variety of tasks with our arms.  Due to this mobility, rotator cuff injuries are very ...


Can Your Arthritis Predict the Weather?

Knee Pain New Fairfield CT Arthritis

Is your body able to predict the weather better than your local meteorologist? The Human Storm Gauge It's true that many people with back pain, neck pain or other joint complaints are often surprisingly accurate in predicting when storms are approaching, and believe it or not, there is some validity to their weather forecasting abilities. In 2010 by the International ...


Time To Spring Into Health

Diet Health New Fairfield CT Nutrition
Are You Ready to Spring into Better Shape and Health?

Did you promise yourself that this year you would get into shape?  Do you want to feel young again and enjoy your health and life?  It can happen.  But, it is up to you to make a change.  Do something different.

Let’s Do It!

It comes down to 3 things:  The ABC’s of Health.

  • ATTITUDE – It must change.  Without an attitude change, NOTHING will happen.  Why?  Because you haven’t accepted that you need to change.  You want to change – But it is not painful enough for you to make an effort to move forward.  Change your Attitude and your life will begin moving in a better direction.
  • BEHAVIOR – The attitude change will set you on a path to change your behavior.  Your daily decisions.  What you eat, how much, if you exercise or sit around watching TV.
  • CHIROPRACTIC – Chiropractic care is not only about Pain – it is about better Health.  Improving your immune system, Internal strength, moving and feeling better, and avoiding medication.

Start Now!

Don’t let another month and especially another year go by without making a change.  How would this make you feel?  Then why wait??  Act on this now.   We have had thousands of people restoring and recapturing their health with renewed energy  You could Feel better, Look better, and be ready for SUMMER!

Our expert team has been created to help you achieve all of your health goals with amazing care techniques and fabulous facilities.

Call our office to today to schedule the “D” – Do It Now – Spinal Health Checkup and Spring into Health!

Avoid the Weeds of Back Pain This Year

Back Pain New Fairfield CT Gardening

Spring is here!  Not officially, but we are getting revitalized and ready to go!  With this added excitement it is time to begin the spring clean in our garden. Although we are invigorated by the warmth, gardening can provide a great workout but with all of the bending, twisting, reaching and pulling, your body may ...


The Shocking Truth Of Pain Relief Medication

Adverse Pain Medication Reactions New Fairfield CT

Many of us have been misled into thinking pain is a problem. Headache? Numb it. Gall bladder malfunctioning?  Remove it. Sore throat? Soothe it. But pain is the effect, not the cause. Nowadays you are unable to turn on the television without a commercial appearing, for some new pharmaceutical that will cure whatever may ail you. If you pay ...


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